Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Stinson Craze

this scene made me rofl!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Suit up, cause its gonna be legen...wait for it..dary

I have quite a lot of people asking me what the heck is it that me and my fellas are going about with this Bro Code thingy. Seriously?? Well here's what; Bros Code is a book of living documents that was introduced by Barney Stinson, a fictional character in How I Met Your Mother. Barney is the most interesting character in HIMYM in my opinion, with his awesome catchphrase, playboy traits, his suits etc. Well actually this book is a guideline of ethics that should be practiced in the 'brohood'. Well actually this kind of things existed a long time ago, only to be documented and made famous by this Barney Stinson.

From the top of my head, these are some of the most interesting and the most hilarious codes:

Article 1:
Bros before hoes. Always remember, girlfriends come and go, but your boys are always there. Breaking this rule is to commit the cardinal sin against Team Testosterone

Article 3:
If a girl falls into the following criteria, she is off limits forever until the end of time:

A. Was an ex-girlfriend.
B. Your friend specifically told you he wanted her.
C. Is you're buddy's sister.

However, if it's your buddy's cousin, well she's up for grabs, and you're welcome to rub it in his face for years to come.

Article 14:
It's alright to cheat at any game where money isn't involved. In certain circumstances, relationships may be classified as "games."

Article 17:
When out with the guys, never accept a call from your girlfriend—unless she's dying or trapped under a burning fuel truck, and if that's the case, make it quick.

Article 32:
A Bro should not "pop" his collar. -

Article 43:
A Bro should not wear crocs.

Article 47:
A Bro should never rollerblade

Article 69:
No Bro should ever get a pedicure

Article 70:
A Bro should never highlight his hair.

Article 92:
When a bros introduces a fellow bros to their hot female friend, the introducer has the rights to the girl. The introduced bros can only attempt to get the girl if the introducer bros gives his consent.

Article 94:
Should a Bro (1st, 2nd or 3rd) be hooking up with an unattractive woman, the Bro that notices this must do all in their power to stop said Bro from closing the deal, unless they are helping another Bro with Article 60.

Now Barney Stinson, can i be your bro?

Friday, February 25, 2011


Ok its now official. It was a hellish week for me but I think I found my closure. But at least Im proud to say that I've tried everything I could. Not that I want to publicize personal stuff about me, but I'd appreciate it if people dont go "hey, how are things going with the gf?" to me. Thats why I think there's a need to announce this.

38 minutes up, I got abundance of good wishes from my friends. thanks everybody. I love you guys. Might need some time to recover, and I need all the support you can give me. Thanks everybody.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Come back to me :'(

Kim Joong Kook ft Gary

Separation gives back love
Separation gives back a feeling of regret

So I just end up waiting for you like this again
I feel lonely as soon as I wake up in the morning without you
The ring on my finger lost its shine and colour
And my throat swallowing only the agony has lost its voice
Little by little, my everything just freezes as it is

Separation gives back love
Separation gives back a feeling of regret

So I just end up waiting for you like this again
Until you love me again like a fool
I have you in my arms like in the past
Until I go crazy of happiness
Like always, I was deluded that we'll meet again
Just saying I LOVE YOU can't bring you back now
Another excuse,

I know it is late now but,
nobody in the world could replace you
There is only you for me
You stand in front of my eyes

I can't close my eyes because a picture of you waver in my head
Sleepless night because of love
That's what is the most painful
I didn't give the fullest to you, your existence in my heart is still love
The petty quarrels, the excruciating and the bearable pain,
the cold expression
everything I have to bear from now on is also love to me
Although you left, although you're not by my side
Your name to me is still a passionate love
Like always, I was deluded that we'll meet again
Just saying I LOVE YOU can't bring you back now
Another excuse,

I know it is late now but,
nobody in the world could replace you
There is only you for me
You know that I can't live without you
I'll protect you until the day I die
I don't want to lose you
Come back to me again
Saying I LOVE YOU can't bring you back now
Another excuse,

I know it is late now but,
nobody in the world could replace you
To me always,
Always, always you're the only one for me
Saying I LOVE YOU can't bring you back now
Another excuse,
I know it is late now but,
Nobody in the world could replace you
you've always lived in me (my heart)

Title says it all :-(

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Running Man

Sebagai seorang penganggur berjaya yang tidak menyumbang kepada KDNK negara, aku mempunyai banyak masa. Sama ada di rumah atau di luar rumah, masa aku banyak dihabiskan dengan memikirkan bagaimana untuk menghabiskan masa saya. Lalu timbullah pelbagai idea-idea bernas seperti mencipta lagu, berniaga dan bermain foolsball di first avenue. Tetapi masalahnya, perkara-perkara yang disebut tadi memerlukan modal, yakni duit.

Dan menjadi penggangur yang berjaya tidak menolong aku sedikit pun dalam menambahkan dana yang dipegang. Oleh itu aku hanya boleh melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti yang menghiburkan tetapi percuma. Aku membuat keputusan untuk memuat turun pelbagai jenis filem dan drama untuk ditonton. Aku mulakan kempen muat turun dengan memuat turun cerita-cerita klasik seperti Silence of The Lamb, The Rainman dan Gremlins. Betapa gembiranya apabila dapat menonton filem-filem ini dalam bentuk HD di komputer sendiri.

Hendak dipendekkan cerita, sekarang ni aku tengah layan Running Man. Ia ialah sebuah program variety yang diterbitkan tahun lepas dan sekarang sudahpun menjangkau 27 episod. Selama ini aku akui tak banyak variety show yang betul-betul 'kuat' selepas Family Outing 1. Tetapi penantian selama setahun berakhir dengan kemunculan semula orang kuat FO1 dalam running man iaitu Yoo Jae Suk dan Kim Joong Kok. RM ialah sebuah variety show berunsurkan permainan Hide and Seek.

Front: Ji Hyo, Gary, Lizzy, Haha. Back: Gwang Soo, Jaesuk Joong Ki, Suk Jin, Joong Kok

Setiap minggu ahli-ahli tetap RM beserta tetamu jemputan akan berkumpul di satu-satu landmark sekitar Korea untuk bermain. Kebiasaannya mereka akan berkumpul pada waktu malam ketika landmark itu sudah ditutup kepada orang awam. Antara landmark-landmark yang mereka sudah melakukan penggambaran ialah:

SBS Broadcasting Group

Suwon World Cup Stadium
Seoul Tower.

Sebelum memulakan Misi Utama iaitu Hide and Seek Game, mereka akan memulakan beberapa Side Mission dulu. Peserta/Kumpulan yang menang akan diberikan sebiji running ball. Begitu juga dengan misi utama, pemenang juga akan diberikan dengan running ball. Running ball penting untuk mengelakkan hukuman di penghujung permainan kelak. Jadi lagi banyak bola yang dikumpul seseorang, lagi tinggi kebarangkalian untuk peserta mengelak dari dikenakan hukuman, sebab bola-bola milik masing-masing akan diundi keluar secara rawak.

Selepas itu bermulalah acara utama RM, iaitu Hide and Seek. Mereka akan dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu Mission Team dan Chaser Team. Permainan ni lebih kurang macam kejar-kejar lah. Sistem permainan dia dah cantik, ditambah dengan cast-cast celebrity yang betul-betul click memang confirm pecah gelak. Seperti program-program variety lain yang berunsurkan spontan dan realiti, RM pun ada kelemahannya yang tersendiri. Tapi seperti FO1, over time the program has really improve.

And most importantly, it makes people laugh. That's what counts. Okay takmau cakap banyak, memang aku rekemen tengok kalau bosan-bosan taktau buat apa kat rumah. Tehee. Boleh download cerita ni kat Isubs or ambik kat aku. Tehee. Ai saun setupit fani wen i tok in meleis.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


100th post. 100 days. Insyaallah, long it may continues. Happy v-days to those who's celebrating. Enjoy responsibly.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Unconditional love

You sucks at football. You dont have the speed. You dont have the composure to score goals. And your teamwork is next to nothing. You screwed up a lot in the field.
But I will still pass the ball to you. Simply because you're my teammate, and you're my friend. That's how much I trust you. How much hope I put in you.

You sucks in borrowing stuff. Every time when I lent you stuff, you'd either lost it or damaged it.
But I will still lend you my stuff. Simply because you're special to me. That's how much you mean to me. How much you matters to me.

You're a big fat liar. And bad one. Everytime you lied you kantoi almost instantly.
But I will still listen and chew every bs you threw at me. Simply because you're my son. That's how much I love you. Unconditional love where nothing would change the way I love you.

Unconditional love. Even if I have 9 lives like cats, I would still trust my life in your hands. I would give my heart to you over and over again. Even if you crushed it. Even if you lost it.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Crucial Two.

Okay another post-related post. It has been five days. I still couldn't figure things out yet. At least not thoroughly. But I think I am making progress. And one day I will finally open the door to the path that Im gonna take. It's hard, trying to make a choice that offers abundance opportunities with minimal risk. But we do what we got to do and held responsible for the consequences. Sometimes I wonder whether did I made the right decisions. I'm worried I might suffer the same fate like F. Torres.

He claimed he was a Red. He claimed that he bleeds red. But recently he made the headlines with his mega money transfer to Chelsea. He claimed that Liverpool is not ambitious enough, and there's different needs between him and the club. Upon making his debut at Stamford Bridge, facing non other his former club, he lost to Liverpool. A transfer to Chelsea seems like a downgrade, at least at the moment. A wrong choice, perhaps? I know it is a little harsh to evaluate his success from a match, but at least he should have won against the team he turned his back on kan?

Moving on. A great mentor of mine had advised me to really give it a thought regarding my futures. As in, what I want to become, what are my expectations, what kind of life I want to lead etc. Then from there I can walk backward to today, so that I can carefully pan out things to the way I wanted. She added that I was being too flexible in my life, that's why I still haven't figure out what I want to become. I would settle for anything, e.g: accounts pun boleh, economics pun boleh, finance pun boleh, local boleh, overseas pun boleh. You know, those kind of specific things.

So since I would settle for almost anything, it's giving me headache. She suggested that I set my target, and stick to the road no matter what. She gave me an analogy on how guys would do just anything to get the girl that they want, no matter what method used (mind that my mentor is a she lol). But her analogy is a little bit off with my personality. I am "you're no bigger than me. Thank you. Bye2" kind of guy. tehee. But Im suppose she's right.

Before my past downfall I knew exactly where I want to be. What car I'll be riding. When I am going to get marry. I knew specifics and details, and I clung on to it no matter what. The sad part is not being able achieve my plans the way I wanted. Imagined the mounting hopes and effort shattered. The degree of pain makes me the flexible guy I am right now. When there are no expectations, it's impossible to be hurt. Baby steps. First I've got to figure out what kind of life that I will lead first. Bye~

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Premis 1: A winner never quits, a quitter never wins.

Premis 2: Azmil equals winner. :-P

Conclusion: Azmil never quits.

This is crucial. I am about to make one of the hardest decisions in my life. I am quitting. First the job, and now the studies. It seems like Azmil Zulkifli is a big fat quitter. It seems harsh to be considered a quitter. But I am making a leap of faith. Something that I haven't done in a long time. In most part of my life, I've been making decisions base on facts, rationale thinking, statistics, logic, hitam-putih. Like the mathematical fallacy that I've made above.

"Tengok line up pemain Wolves dengan Man United, of course Man United will win."

"Hari ni cuaca elok. Tak payah bawak baju hujan."

"If she's not interested, she's not interested. So stop wasting your time pursuing."

"Money can buy things. Therefore lots of money can buy you lots of things."

These are a few examples of my rationale thinking. But it turned out that sometimes the most probable outcome is invalid. Manyoo kalah dengan Wolves, hari tu hujan turun , I happened to know that she likes me and there are some things that money cant buy. Even mama realized about this. She scolded me saying that I watch House too much. Haha.

She told me that sometimes I ought to make decisions from faith, belief, miracle, prayers and hope. So this is it. I am putting my foot down. Have some faith, Azmil. Life goes on.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Would you like a nosebleed?

Im bloody pissed. Have you ever try to make yourself available for someone in a period of time, while in truth you're not really free because you have other plans in line, and yet you still do it because that someone is important to you, but in the end they bailed on you without letting you know upfront? Ok, i rofl when I read back my long sentences but its not funny enough to let this slip away that easy. Ok, confused? Just bare with me.

Safi Sali (contoh yek) told me that he really wanted to spend some time hanging out with me. But then due to his busy schedule playing rugby, he cant give me a specific time of when we should meet up, only a specific day. Say; Tuesday. I looked down my stick-it post at my desktop and I realized that I have a few plans in line on Tuesday. Say; playing futsal and taking my nephews to the theme park. But due to the degree of importance and the fact that Safi Sali only came back to my hometown once every year, I figured that I'd make myself available on that day.

So I called my sister and let her know that I wont be taking the nephews and arrange for another date. Ok, you're going to flame me because aku sendiri pun boleh bail on my nephews but I should remind you about the degree of importance; not to say that my nephews aren't importance. I took the boys out like hundreds of time already, and Im sure they'd understand if their uncle cancelled just a day of an outing with them. Then I called my friend Qina to tell him that I will join futsal a bit late that day. There, now everything is under control.

Safi gave his words that he will let me know from time to time when he's coming. So on Tuesday, I laze around watching Discovery Channel while eating a tub of ice cream. And then Safi BBM me that he might be a bit late since his rugby match went to extra time. I said "Okay brah, no problem". Later that day I BBM him asking where is he and there's no reply. After one hour he texted me that he had and engagement reception he had to attend to. "Okay brah,take your time" A bit later he pm'ed me again saying that he has a birthday party to attend to. "okay brah" Time tu I already started dinking out my second tub of ice cream.

Later that evening, he said that he's already on his way. At that time there's no way I'll make it to futsal so I called Qina to tell him that he have to run the show by himself, not that he's going to have problem with that since he's the ChrisQina Ronaldo of the team. So I waited at my porch for him to arrive. 10 minutes gone. 20 minutes gone. Then he PMed me

Safi: Sorry bro. Kena patah balik. Cam lambat sangat jaa.

Azmil: You bloody fucktard. You wasted a day of my life..bloody cunt.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Quarter pounder Year
