Friday, February 25, 2011


Ok its now official. It was a hellish week for me but I think I found my closure. But at least Im proud to say that I've tried everything I could. Not that I want to publicize personal stuff about me, but I'd appreciate it if people dont go "hey, how are things going with the gf?" to me. Thats why I think there's a need to announce this.

38 minutes up, I got abundance of good wishes from my friends. thanks everybody. I love you guys. Might need some time to recover, and I need all the support you can give me. Thanks everybody.


  1. thanks for the wish. i needed that :-)

  2. no biggie. :D
    i owe you one before, tu pun kalau ingat.

  3. haha.
    i remembered.
    but i dont think i helped a lot pun. :-)

  4. tak did. :)
    tp i tau nasihat 'sabarlah' je bila dlm situasi ni.huu.memang tak dikurniakan bakat pemberi kata2 motivasi kot. -___-"

    p/s: bakat bercerita ada la.
