Saturday, February 5, 2011

Would you like a nosebleed?

Im bloody pissed. Have you ever try to make yourself available for someone in a period of time, while in truth you're not really free because you have other plans in line, and yet you still do it because that someone is important to you, but in the end they bailed on you without letting you know upfront? Ok, i rofl when I read back my long sentences but its not funny enough to let this slip away that easy. Ok, confused? Just bare with me.

Safi Sali (contoh yek) told me that he really wanted to spend some time hanging out with me. But then due to his busy schedule playing rugby, he cant give me a specific time of when we should meet up, only a specific day. Say; Tuesday. I looked down my stick-it post at my desktop and I realized that I have a few plans in line on Tuesday. Say; playing futsal and taking my nephews to the theme park. But due to the degree of importance and the fact that Safi Sali only came back to my hometown once every year, I figured that I'd make myself available on that day.

So I called my sister and let her know that I wont be taking the nephews and arrange for another date. Ok, you're going to flame me because aku sendiri pun boleh bail on my nephews but I should remind you about the degree of importance; not to say that my nephews aren't importance. I took the boys out like hundreds of time already, and Im sure they'd understand if their uncle cancelled just a day of an outing with them. Then I called my friend Qina to tell him that I will join futsal a bit late that day. There, now everything is under control.

Safi gave his words that he will let me know from time to time when he's coming. So on Tuesday, I laze around watching Discovery Channel while eating a tub of ice cream. And then Safi BBM me that he might be a bit late since his rugby match went to extra time. I said "Okay brah, no problem". Later that day I BBM him asking where is he and there's no reply. After one hour he texted me that he had and engagement reception he had to attend to. "Okay brah,take your time" A bit later he pm'ed me again saying that he has a birthday party to attend to. "okay brah" Time tu I already started dinking out my second tub of ice cream.

Later that evening, he said that he's already on his way. At that time there's no way I'll make it to futsal so I called Qina to tell him that he have to run the show by himself, not that he's going to have problem with that since he's the ChrisQina Ronaldo of the team. So I waited at my porch for him to arrive. 10 minutes gone. 20 minutes gone. Then he PMed me

Safi: Sorry bro. Kena patah balik. Cam lambat sangat jaa.

Azmil: You bloody fucktard. You wasted a day of my life..bloody cunt.

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