Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bandar Bersejarah

Sorang lagi budak Sungai Putat akan kahwin. Nasir. The reception is going to be on the 1st June kat dewan library bukit baru. Although I promised myself to attend all my Putatian friend's wedding, I am seriously contemplating this one, sebab time tu study week and dah dekat dengan exam. But then again, nasir kot yang  nak kahwin. Orang yang pernah susah senang dengan aku. Lagi pun rindu gila kot dengan melaka dan kawan-kawan lain. I'm sure everybody will be there. 

It seems like I never talked much about my malacca life here. Tak silap aku since I started writing, I only mentioned malacca once, tu pun sebab aku attend wedding ijoi. Maybe it's difficult for me to open up about it cause it'll only open up old wounds. But it wasn't all that bad. I think my time there had been an eye opener and a life defining moment for me. Banyak benda yang aku experience kat sana yang betul-betul bentuk diri aku yang sekarang. 

If I were to look at it positively, my time there was as though I travelled backpacking doing some soul searching. But the messed up, self loathing me always thought of it as if it was some kind of dark ages, zaman kejatuhan or the likes of it.

Selalu sangat nak fokus at the bad times. Sedangkan banyak ja benda yang baik yang boleh point out. 

Main futsal sampai subuh kat Cheng. All those football watching at subai mitc, habeeb, cahaya dinar and the likes. Jamming kat sparkles, ice. Representing mmu in futsal tournaments. Main bola pulak dengan Gajah Behrang. Kalau ada sapa2 dok jiwa kacau, nanti pi lepak kt klebang smbil mengenang nasib. Pastu buat otak seminit plan itu, plan ini. Dah sampai dah asam pedas kota laksamana, tiba-tiba we decided asam pedas pasar borong lagi best. Jenuh pulak nak travel all the way to the other side of town. We  lived like kings. 

Lollygagging and all this fooling around aside, I managed to learn a lot about myself. What I want, what i want to become, and it doesn't just stop there. I learn to adjust my perception of reality, man the list goes on. I can't even tell or describe it. What I know is this; that this experience and life-lesson can't be bought elsewhere. That's how valuable it is to me. You can't learn it in class. You've got to go out there and experience it yourself.

Enough rambling. I can't make up my mind yet whether I should go or not. I dont know yet. But what I know is this; should I step my foot in Melaka, aku akan pasang lagu ni sambil ronda Bukit Beruang.

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