Friday, May 10, 2013

keMALASetan ekonomi

If you watch football or if you're a manchester united fan, you might not like Dimitar Berbatov. He used to play for four seasons at Old Trafford. He made a significant contributions to the Red Devils, winning individual and team accolades altogether. But his style of play is regarded as 'lacking' for someone who dons the red shirt by some of the fans. 

Ada orang cakap dia malas, tak suka lari and tak fit unlike his other industrious team mates. Tapi SAF selalu defend Berbatov cakap that's just his style and if he wasn't good enough, how can he banged goals left and right? SAF also said that Berbatov is brilliant in reading the game, and he's very much an economical player. Economical in the sense that dia akan conserve energy dia and lari bila perlu. He is brilliant in such ways that whenever he smells an opportunity, he'll be at the right place and at the right time to do something for the team. 

Phew, selesai analogi dan mukadimah. lulz. Aku nak cita pasai aku sebenarnya. 

Sem ni aku cukup RAJIN tak pi kelas. Ha terer dak aku menggunakan perkataan yang positif dalam konteks yang negatif? Aku rasa kita patut lebih amalkan cara ni untuk sampaikan benda yang negatif sebab psychologically speaking, people will feel less-threatened dan lebih open untuk terima apa yang kita nak cakap. For example, kalau groupmate kita tak buat lagi assignment part dia, kita boleh cakap "Bro I'm not happy with you not doing our assignment" instead of "Bro, I'm bloody angry with you for not doing our assignment."

Shessh, off topic lagi.  Okay berbalik kpd topik. Sem ni aku cukup rajin tak pi kelas. I think this sem is my worst attendance record ever. But I'm not worried. Dulu masa final year time diploma pun macam ni jugak. Yes motivations play a part. Mungkin sebab dok pikiaq nak habes nak habes nak habes. But it's not down to just motivation as much as tactical. Being in usm for almost two years, I think I already mastered the tricks and trades of surviving degree life.

I started prioritizing. And like Berbatov, I tried to conserve my energy into things that really matter.  Kalau aku rasa pergi class tu tak beneficial kat aku, aku tak pi la. Bukan sebab sombong dengan ilmu atau bkn sbb rasa diri dah tere ka apa, tp kadang-kadang masuk kelas tu rasa macam takdak function. Sembang ja lebih. Baik baca kat rumah. And macam-macam lagi decision makings yang aku buat (or at least try buat) economically. Macam studying. Instead of doing a full-blown revision; reading from cover to cover, I now concentrate more on answering exercises and latih tubi. 

I used the first three sem in usm to achieve effectiveness, and now I am trying to achieve efficiency. Kita mungkin boleh sembuhkan penyakit (effective), tapi kita kena tau jugak cara paling mudah, selamat dan cepat untuk sembuhkan penyakit tu (efficiency). Supaya kita dapat capai economy of scale. haha mcm kelas intro to management pulak. 

Or mungkin aku syok sendiri. Dok sembang pasai ekonomilah, conserve energy lah. Entah-entah I just made that up just to feel better about myself. Padahl aku mmg betul pun malas. That one we have to wait and see lah.

Okay habis. Moral of the story is, don't you dare talk shit about king berbatov

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