Sunday, May 12, 2013


Bukan ubah Putrajaya. This is not a political post, I can assure you. :) 

Ok so I was surfing today doing my usual thangg like cursing, trolling and involving myself in important discussions like 'ninja vs pirate:who will win?' tiba-tiba aku terdetik nak masuk thread cupid corner. Haha selalu aku masuk kopitiam, garage sale and sports ja. Sbb aku salu assume threads kat cupid corner ni mesti serious dan jiwang belaka. And orang yg post kat situ pun mesti jenis loser2 yang mengadu masalah depa kena friendzone.

I was wrong. Banyak jugak kaki troll dalam thread tu. Anyway panjang sangat cita, dipendekkan, aku jumpa   quote ni: 

A woman marries a man hoping that he will change. A man marries a woman hoping she will never change.

This quote also serves well as a joke, because the opposite is usually true. Man doesnt change and woman change. Or take the joke to another level, especially the second part 'hoping she will never change' it could also mean physically. Dulu aku kawan dgn hang slim ja. La nih..aku nak tidoq pun tak cukup katil. 

So today, I spend some time trying to make sense of the quote. Especially the first part of the quote: A woman marries a man hoping that he will change. All this while, I have these little hunches that girls love us for our potential. I'm not saying that they don't love us for who we are in the present. But most girls, no, all girls are future oriented. Sure, they are attracted to who you are right now, but a larger proportion of the 'attraction' come from thinking about what will you be in the future and how she could benefit from it.

Hang kerja supervisor gaji 2000 MYR, seorang perokok tegar, sewa rumah apartment n pakai kereta kia forte. Masa first date, bila hang bagi statistik2 ni kat depa, dlm otak depa dah buat regression equation dah macam mana hang akan jadi seorang manager bergaji 5000 MYR, ada rumah corner lot, pakai Camry dan berhenti merokok. 

Women are like that. They love guys with big potential. They love finding a rough diamond and polish them into a beautiful end product. The polishing is done through support, love, and tak lupa jugak; leteran yang membingitkan telinga. Unlike women, us men want the end product right away. "I want my perfect woman now" Which explains why some times we don't like change. Because of the perception of perfect is changing from our points of view.

But guys don't get disheartened. We could play this differences into our advantage. If you like this girl, drop all your statistic and characteristic subtly. Do some upward or downward social comparison. (goggle it). If you think this girl is higher than you, you oversell yourself. Exaggerate some truth about you. Kalau hang pi karnival kesukarelawan sbb nak tgk Najwa Latif, exaggerate la skit cakap yang hang suka buat kerja-kerja volunteerism and philantropic ni (and avoid mentioning Najwa Latif). If you think this girl is beneath you, it's fine, just be yourself or try to undersell yourself.  

The idea is basically simple. Tawan, dapat dan belakang kira. Maksudnya di sini, bagi dapat ja dulu pastu nanti apa2 jadi, belakang kira. You bend or exaggerate some truth and make them like you. Tak payah jadi gentleman sngat. We only rig the game at the beginning, so it's okay. Beg, steal, lie, cheat. Whatever. Bila dah dapat nanti belakang kira.

Because macam mana kita usaha pun, it is likely that we won't meet up to their expectation. But here's the twist. It's difficult for them to leave us. They love our potential so much that it will be hard for them to move on. Depa akan pikiaq "Ish ruginya kalau aku tinggalkan laki ni dan biarkan perempuan lain yang benefit dari segala usaha aku"

Selamat mencuba. Tapi kalau nak senang, dan kalau nak mengelakkan konflik yang besar di masa akan dtg cuba ja ubah. It won't hurt to try.

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