Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beware, Malware!

Couple of weeks ago, I experienced some trouble with my PC. Whenever I opened up my browser and tried to access a password-accessed websites like fb, twitter or e-mails, my browser came up with a warning that it detected a Sirefef Gen!c infection in my pc. It is a severe malware that could steal your password, lowered the performance of your pc and messed up your system.

The severity of the malware is so serious to the extend that my browser won't open up anything password-based. This malware also messed up my system that it prevented me from trying to install any security protection tools or a third party firewall on my PC. I tried a lot of troubleshooting but my effort was up to no avail. From my research this malware is a rootkit, a stealth type malicious software designed to hide in the existence of certain process and cannot be easily detected or removed.

It was driving me crazy to a point that I was contemplating to format my pc. But then again, final exam is just around the corner and I have lots of important study aids, notes and the likes of it saved in this pc. So I seek help from bleepingcomputer.com. Bleepingcomputer is a web-based community that provide technical support, computer help and security problem solving. Well basically it is a forum where people discuss about computer security and the likes of it. But of course, like any other internet forum there are other threads and topics that they discussed on.

So I opened a thread asking about my problem and a moderator expert, Satchfan came to my rescue. She said that my problem required elevated help and I have to follow her instruction carefully. Removing Sirefef Gen!c is a long process, but her instructions, with coloured font and layman terms simplified and made things easier. I had to prepare logs every time I troubleshoot and I had to run a series of tools and apps prepared for me. Best jugak, rasa macam programmer pun ada. haha.

And Alhamdulillah, after couple of weeks, my pc was up and running like new again. So guys, if you have a problem with your pc, feel free to pay bleepingcomputer.com a visit and asked away. Their friendly moderator will try their best to help you in any possible ways. Here's the link of my thread that I posted: Link. But of course they provided different instructions for different infections or PCs, but I just wanted to give out the idea of how helpful they are. So if you have problems, open a new thread and don't simply read and follow instruction from other threads even if you have the same infection as the threadstarter.

Safe computing!

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