Thursday, May 20, 2010

Recap: Tournament Part I

Checked MPPICT’s fb page a while a go. Didn’t realize they uploaded the tourney’s pic up. Man, as I browse through, it all came back to me. Damn I had fun. Like, super fun. I guess I better recap balik what happened before I started to forget back. Azmil Alzheimer, panggilan mereka kepadaku memandangkan kapasiti memori aku hanya seteruk sehebat ikan guppy. Wth dahla tak cool. Tak rhyme pun! Grr

Ok, this is one of the MPP’s activities held during the semester. Afiq and I was the co-director of the event, and basically our job was to make it happen. Aku agak risau awal2 tu memandangkan event dinahkodai oleh dua orang lelaki macho, but Afiq and me was totally in sync. The level of tolerance and understanding between us was really splendid. I really enjoyed working with him. Tapi tipulah kalau aku cakap semua berjalan lancar. We had all sort of problems. First, obviously the resource. Duit tak cukup, workforce tak cukup. Kemudian problem untuk memuaskan hati pelbagai pihak. Denih nak camni, detuh nak camtu. Sampai at one point Im really worried these demands and changes would affect the spirit, integrity and concept of the tourney. But we managed to uphold our ends in maintaining the desired objectives.

Preparation dia agak banyak jugakla nak kena buat. Banyak proses. Tempah barang kat logistic. Jahit net yang bocor sana sini. Buat line. Tempah medal and trophies. Beli equipments. Buat promotions and 'marketing'. Buat rules and regulations. Macam-macam.

Paling tak boleh lupa bila nak buat line. Dahla we had to go all the way to Teluk Kumbar to pick up the buat line punya thingy. Ala yang golek2 tu. Ada roda. Lenggek atas tanah kluar minyak. And then we had to do it all on our own. Susah kot nak buat line. Nak kena ukur. Nak kena letak tali etc. Berap puluh kali ukurpun, line kiri dgn line kanan yang parallel tu mesti tak sama panjang. Sat2 short. Sat2 lebih. At the end we’d settle for 0.4 m short on the right side. Ala ralat sikit2 takpa. Lol. Lagi satu bila nak buat circle. We tied the golek2 thingy with a rope as the marker and we go around it. In order to make a circle the rope must be stretched at all times. Ala..macam benda set geometri yang ada pensel dgn benda tajam tu lah.lupa nama dia. So we have to remind the guy who’s pushing the golek2 thing three things:
“Cekang elok” indicates that it was the perfect spot.
“Cekang tak elok” indicates that the rope is too stretched out, so the pusher must move a lil bit inside nearer the guy who’s holding the rope.
“Kendoq” indicates that the rope is not stretched, so the pusher must move a lil bit away from the guy holding the rope.

It was beladi funny when we started making sexual remarks, and saying cekang elok, cekang tak elok arousingly. Pecah gelak tak mau mau. Besides that, we were having problems in the referee department. I knew this neighbor of mine who’s working as a referee. He wants to bring along 3 of his referee friends and demand each to be paid 100 ringgit each. Memang tak dapat ahh. Dahla baru rookie, dah demand lebih2. Grr. With the help from Qiu, he managed to get abang JJ’s phone number through Mr Jimmy. Abang JJ is and old fart. He talks highly of himself, but he’s no pushover. And tak berlagak diva. He offered us a reasonable price. Cuma cakap besaq dia ja yang kena tahan dengaq. Hidup abang JJ

nnt sambung part II

ok cun

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