Thursday, May 20, 2010

Unnecessary Spending

Those who says money isn’t everything is not a good shopper. Or so they say. But on the other hands, I’m always broke. So the ‘shopper’ philosophy doesn’t look so hip anymore isn’t it? Haha. I spent recklessly. *sigh* I really need to spend my money wisely as I am coming to my last semester. Have to make sure I still have some money left on me when my Mara’s contract is over while looking for loans or scholarship. An Arabian friend of mine always told me “Nevermind Azmil. Back in our country we always do that. Live like a king for one day, and live poorly and eat sands the next 29 days”. Sounds cool but I don’t think Im up for it.

Being a chain smoker, much of my money are spent on cigarettes. Gosh I really need to kick out this habit. This doesn’t include the occasional expensive cigar I bought when I wanted to celebrate something. Ada benda nak celebrate ja, beli cigar. Beli soft drink and go lepak with my favourite people. Aku pun tak tau sapa yang bawak budaya ni. Even non smoking friends pun smoke cigar. Chauvinist la konon.

Selain tu, aku banyak membazir duit beli Red Bull. Red Bull gives you wings! Haha buat iklan tak berbayar pulak. I don’t know why, but I must start my day with a can of Red Bull. Katala kelas start kul 9, and it’s 9.15, usaha jugak nak singgah kedai kat pekan Balik Pulau nak beli. Heck, aku siap tau lagi mana kedai jual mahal mana kedai jual murah. Ada kedai jual 2.50 ada kedai jual 2.70 ada kedai jual 2.90. Gila obsess. Gila drug addict. Nicotine and caffeine.

Being a sports maniac, I spent large proportion of my money on supplement and gears too. Beli carb, protein bar, vitamins, kasut, jersi, etc. Gila hypocrite. On one hand you take care of yourself etc and on another hand you selfdestruct consuming nic and caff excessively. Haha. Besides the hypocrisy disease, I am suffering from GAS too. Gear Acquisition Sydrome. I have the hots for buying new guitar pedals, amplifiers, and also computer hardwares and softwares. Bukan selalu pun pakai pedal, baik aku beli ja multi effect pedal senang tapi mungkin beli effect pedal satu2 nampak lebih macho dan rock. Samala dengan computer pun. Kalau boleh tiap2 kali PC fair nak ja upgrade hardware. Software pun. Katala aku pakai satu satu software ni v2.0 and v2.1 dah keluar. Punya usaha nak upgrade padahal tak banyak beza pun function and apps dia. Gila kiasu.

Lagi satu. Yang ni aku tau sapa bawak budaya ni. My 7 years old sister. Pantang tengok benda cantik ja mesti nak beli. Yesterday we went to Popular Prangin, nak beli buku. And si kecik tu was browsing through the stationery section. Being the manipulative brat, she convinced me to buy her this odd looking getah pemadam. Ada banyak sangat bentuk taktau nak pilih mana satu and we end up buying all 12 shapes! Tapi yang excited lebihnya aku, bukan adik aku. Grr. That brat. But still, I love her heaps

What? Ada banyak benda nak padam okay! I jot down many important stuff koott. And I figured I do the world a favour by recycling paper. Haiz..

Ok cun


  1. sengih2 jek bace u punye entri.:D

    i dulu kck2 suke beli alat tulis,pastu simpan.
    xnak gune sbb syg.last2 hilang semua xjumpe dah.
    *simpan lah sangat,pdahal sumbat kat mana xtaw~*

    psst-kedai mana yg paling murah?

  2. haha tu la. Memang la dua tiga ringgit je benda camtu tapi kalau sepluh kali wat dah puluh2 dah duit bazir. padahal tak guna pun. haha. murah? stationary ke? red bull? you penangites ka?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. huh?pandai tekan komen pun hilang..
    nak ubah ayat sbb nmpk semacam ja..

    mmg pun,bila kira2 balik baru tau mana duet da pegi..-->tapi masa kecik i xkira la :D

    red bull la da uckp u taw..cube la gtaw kat mane, name kedai2 kat balik pulau tu i rasa mcm taw byk ja..

    i org png..pnah duduk kat teluk kumbar,bayan lepas,balik pulau,depan padang polo.

    haaa,kalo u taw stationaries mana murah ley gak..pening pale taw tiap2 kali nak beli brg2 lukisan, bygkan watercolour pun da rm50, marker sbtang rm7.50, nak pakai berbtg2...
