Wednesday, May 12, 2010

True Fan

I couldnt help but sympathize toward our Malaysian badminton team the day before yesterday. They were booed and insulted by our very own Malaysian fan after they lost the game against Japan. Imagine. Our VERY OWN fan. Seriously Im disappointed with us fans, the Malaysian fans. This thing shouldnt be happening, for god sake.

This is one of the reason why sports in our country cannot bloom into an industry that everybody want to get into. When we win, we cheer. We support. And some politicians come to the surface admitting that it was because of them that we win. But when we lost, nobody gives a damn. No support and no politicians even dare to come forward to offer solution or accountability.

Beladi hell. I'm pissed. wth man, win or lose we should support them anyway. Takdak sapa yang turun padang/gelanggang untuk kalah. We should be there by their side. We should let them know no matter what, we are always there for them. Aku tak hairan bila Fairuzizuan tak boleh control emotion and behaviour dia. Dia harap kat kita, untuk bagi dia suntikan semangat. Tapi lain jadinya. For god sake, kalau bukan kita sapa lagi yang nak support depa? Dihina, diejek di tempat sendiri. It's like being disowned by our own parents and family. Macam tu lah rasanya.

We do not insult and boo. Instead we make constructive criticism. As a fan, we have the right to put high expectations and hopes in them. But when they didnt succeed dont punish them. Dont call for their head on that silver platter. Yes, we are disappointed. But we move on and pray for that silver lining in the sky after a storm. That's what being a fan is all about. We be by their side samada kalah, menang, gagal atau berjaya. That's the meaning of a true fan.

Ada unsur-unsur bitter sweet, ada unsur-unsur human dalamnya. Bukan sayang bila menang, benci bila kalah. True fan will find success more meaningful. Sebab dia sentiasa ada dengan team dia sama ada susah atau senang. So when the team triumph, feeling dia lain. Feeling dia lebih deep, lebih rich and lebih...sentimental.

Harap Fulham menang satgi.

Ok cun

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