Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Renjis Renjis Dipilis

Hey ya blog. Sorry been busy a wee bit. I had to replace and reschedule all my class for this week and the next week because I'll be away for a while. I'm going to Melaka to attend my bestie's wedding. Ijoy's getting married. Man, why would you waste all the fun by getting married to soon ijoy? Grrr..muda lagi kot! haha. Ijoy and I go wayy back. We were housemate back then along with all other crazy Putatian that I adore and love soo much.

Cilok from FB Ijoi

He's a great lad, understanding in and oddly crazy and annoying way. He's always there for us, just like the rest of the Putatians. And man, I wouldn't trade the experiences we had together with anything else in the world. Ok, nak tulis pasal Ijoy sampai esok pun tak abes. Satgi termenangis sedih plak. Anyway, Ijoy orang Perlis. But we choose to go to the bride's reception in Melaka, since all friends are familiar with Melaka. And this would probably be our last time together since everybody is graduating. Man, I cant wait to see them!

Gambar Cilok jugak. Ijoy is second standing from the right.

Anyway I wish you a great marriage ahead and a great career ahead. Congratulations on your marriage and your graduation Ijoy! Will be spending the night at SP tomorrow, and on Friday after Subuh we'll begin our road trip to Melaka. From SP, we'll singgah KK ambil Pakwan and we're all set. Woot! Melaka here I come!


  1. SP? which part of SP u going?
    have a safe journey!

  2. Taman Patani Jaya kot kalau tak silap.. hehe

  3. ops ter reply pakai secondary account plak. haha

  4. haaaaaaaaaa! account masa nak pilihanraya mpp dlu ek..haha

  5. pilihanraya? mana ada. *whistling sambil tgk siling*

  6. pernah terbukak blog tu dlu..sbb ada banner depan kolej..cece lupa plak dia..haha

  7. *masih lagi bersiul sambil tengok siling* haha ingat plak dia ><
