Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Recap: Tournament Part II

ok sambung part II. I erdy recapped about the preparation. So this time Im going to recap bout the implementation. We did it on a Sunday morning, tak ingat la plak brapa haribulan, hadoih pelupa tui. Should have telan all those examo pills my parents bought me when i was in form five. *sigh* It was a one day tournament, pagi sampai petang. The weather was nice, the morning crowd pun was okay since on that day, the communication students are organising their fyp project as well. We came early, for the setup.

When we were setting up, baru sedar banyak sngat benda terlupa/kurang/tadak. But those guys in logistic really helped us out. They offered us various equipments, walaupun kami tak mintak. Credit to them. Abang JJ and his friend were punctual to do their job too, to officiate the matches. The contestants pun were slightly punctual, with the exception of Pirate Revenge, ex-ict student punya team. Because of them, we started our program very very late. Kalau ikut hati, memang aku nak disqualify their participation and return their money. Tapi apa kan daya, when I ask our account manager, we were broke. Camna nak bagi balik? *sigh* nampak gaya kena tunggu lah.
We started late for almost an hour because of one team that came late, but certainly it didnt kill the spirit and the atmosphere of the tournament. The matches was enjoyable and everybody was competitive. Outsiders teams pun behave well, when they were inside the college. One big flaw yang aku nampak is the ballpicking department. The committee kena kutip bola bila the ball when out of bound. Dengan cuaca terik, and committee yang kurang, I totally understood that they were a wee bit reluctant being the ballpicker. Haih. We should have hired the budak2 kampung nearby to help us. This vigorous ballpicking work had taken it's toll on us. I dare to say 70% of our energy was poured down to this activity alone.

I had my fair share of fun on that day too. Paling best when abang JJ buat perangai nak makan. Padahal sebelum tu I asked him whether he wants food or not and he said no. Tiba-tiba dia ckap nak makan. Dahla Sunday, kedai banyak tutup. So Afiq and me pederaih pi kat jalan bahru nak cari makan. We cant waste any more time since we are wayyy behind schedule. Masa tu aku dah ting tong dah. Banyak sangat benda dalam kepala. Dahla penat. Punya ting tong sampai naik moto tak pakai slipper. Rilek ja masuk kedai makan kaki ayam, dengan badan hapak bungkus nasik. Hehe. And then there was a fight during the semi-final. Nyaris-nyaris gaduh. Tapi team outsider la, bukan student kita .Dahla fan ramai. Bila bergaduh sekali dengan fan-fan masuk padang. Nasib baik dan leraikan depa. Phew
All in all it was a great day. For sure, bla buat tournament, problems occurred. We are dealing with human here, not machine. Banyak karenah, banyak masalah. But nothing major that we could not handle happen. So thumbs up to the committee! If it's not for them, we wont make it. Yang penting kita berjaya mantain prestij and brand tournament ni. As for our MPP team, we managed to play until the quarter final. Quite an achievement considering that we were freaking tired organizing the events. Lagipun our target memang q-final. Anything more than q-final is considered bonus.

Ok cun

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