Monday, April 4, 2011

"Cappie" Tau Gamma

Taken from Greek Season Two Episode 20

Cappie: So, uh.. I've been waiting for the perfect moment to give you something, and um, well I think now's as good as time as any.

Casey: Oh? What is it?

Cappie: I want you to wear my lavaliere. I love you Casey.

Casey: I love you too.

Cappie: You're not as excited as I thought you'd be. Is it because of where it's been?

Cassey: What? No, it's just, um.. I didnt bungee jump today because I was scared. And if I stay in Cyprus, I'd be staying because I'm scared.

Cappie: Oh. You're going to Washington arent you?

Casey: I have to do what's best for me, and that's law school. Dont you want me to go and succeed?

Cappie: I do. I guess I'm being selfish because I know that means I'm gonna lose you.

Casey: Cap you can come with me. To Washington! You can transfer..

Cappie: I'm not sure I can leave.

Casey: And I cant stay. But Cap, I totally understand why you're scared to go.

Cappie: I''m not scared.

Casey: That's okay. Leaving something can be terrifying..
Cappie: Is that what you're doing? Are you leaving me behind?

Casey: No, I want us to move forward, together!

Cappie: I dont want to move forward.

Casey: Because you dont want to grow up.

Cappie: Then what other choice do we have?

Casey: We are two different people who love each other very much. It seems like the only place where our differences don't matter is in college.

Cappie: Maybe this is just one of those college relationships huh?

Casey: If it is, then it's the best one of all time. Look, let's just finish the year out together, and...

Cappie: No screw it. You know what? Why wait? If you dont have faith in us than that? Then we should break up now.

Casey: No I dont.. I dont want too.

Cappie: Well too late. It's done. All right? You know I cant believe that I was going to give this to you tonight. I would've felt pretty college doing something like that.

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