Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kejohanan Sukan Futsal & Bola Jaring IPTA-IPTS Pulau Pinang 2

The court was wet, and very small. The organizer duct taped (half of) the tennis court for boundaries and lines and put two handball goalpost on each side to make up the futsal court. That's bad news for us. We've been training in larger pitches and our style of play didn't suit the surface of the court. We played possession football, and with the conditions we were in, it was impossible to keep the ball for long. The best way to play under these kind of conditions is to play quick and direct.

But the thing is, we dont have many 'direct' players in the team. I think the only players with direct gameplay is Dowfy and me. The others, like Farhan, Nizam and Hadi are more indirect and like to keeps the ball longer before releasing it for the killer pass. What Im trying to say is in situation like this, the different between the loser and winner is not down to their technical aptitude, but more to a physical aptitude. With disciplined defending and organized attacking, any team could beat any team, regardless of who's the better footballer.

I myself witnessed Inti College beat the crap out of another team that has academy and state players in it. They sit back, wait for their chance to expose any mistakes, and quickly launched their deadly counters. It's funny, cause we always used to make racist, stereotype joke about chinese footballer: 'pakai kasut mahal, pastu tendang bola jauh-jauh and ligan bola'. And to witness a good team lose against that 'tendang bola jauh-jauh pastu ligan' tactic is overwhelming. Okay enough about tactics. Lets get back to the team.

We lost our first game against Perda Tech. 1-0. It was a silly goal. Kind of like pinball. Kena orang tu kena orang ni, kena kepala denih, pastu goal. Hardly a build up goal. The second game against Kolej Komuniti Bayan Baru, we won 2-0. Naveen played for KKBB and it's great to go against a great player like him. Both our goal was hardly a built up goal too. We just took advantage of their mistake and we got lucky. And that's left us with our last game, against Kitab. Kolej Islam Antarabangsa. It was a do or die match. A draw wasn't enough for us to go through.

Kitab was playing for a draw, and our desperation to look for a goal has made some of our players to lose their cool. One Mario Ballotelli in the team is hard enough to handle, try more. We lose our cool. We whine a lot to the ref, we were looking for a fight and by the second half, we dont play football anymore. We played wrestling. We have too many young, hot blood players in the team. Kitab or not kitab, muka baik or muka penyagak, they will always look for the chance to provoke us. I know it, I've been doing it all my life playing football. It's basic MDP 101. Pengenalan kepada Menganjing dan Provokasi. We all learnt that in soccer school.

We lost that game 1-0. The players were making a scene whining to the ref, and kitab took a quick free kick, and voila. One on one with Pali. That was a stupid goal to concede. We lose in terms of mentality, and clearly we need to learn from this. Hopefully it never happens again. A loss is still a loss, I cant complain, and I cant give excuses. But the game was already loss even before the whistle blows. We dont have that right mentality and attitude just yet. Nevermind, 17hb ni ada tournament lagi. Plenty of time, plenty to improve. :-)

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