Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Upon reading my previous post, a friend asked me whether schadenfreude do exist. We had an intriguing debate pondering over it's existence. Having no background in social science, the only way we could try to discuss the subject is by relating it to real life situation. I just googled it just now and apparently according to scientific studies, schadenfreude do exist. They did some brain scanning and try to stimulate the desired region of the brain using the misfortune of others.

Sometimes (Or all the time) we take pleasure in other people's misfortune. For example lets take a look at Charlie Sheen. Seeing Charlie Sheen living the real life of his fictional character in two and a half men, Charlie Harper, a hedonistic, self-destructing alcoholic really put a smile on your face (or in your heart). "Senyum dalam hati," bak kata Faizal. The degree of taking pleasure of someone else misfortune is out of the question. Banyak ka sikit ka, you're still evil. lol.

After we agreed to a conclusion, we sit back trying to find one person whom we think didn't have it in them. To our amazement, there's none. Just when we thought that we'd found the perfect guy or girl, there's always that 'tiny' incident that we remembered which happened that kinda blemished their clean records. And that leads to another question. Is our circle of friends that bad, or is it there's no schadenfreude-free guys out there? hehe

And no, Im not implying that I am schadenfreude-free. Just because I talked about it freely and argues whos have it and who dont does not make me perfect. I for instance would love to see the look on my friend's face when the team he supported lost in their big game. And I love like it so much a little if the girl that I like just broke up with her boyfriend. Does that make me evil? Probably. But we feel what we want to feel. We cant help it. It's just a passing thoughts. But never turn that passing thoughts into an action. Niat jahat, kalau tak dilaksanakan tak berdosa. Insyaallah.

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