Monday, February 25, 2013

Free Agent

After a semester of absence, Sukad is now back. Sukan Antara Desasiswa. They are going to cramp all the four phases in just one semester, because they postpones phase 1 and 2 which were supposed to be held last semester. I'm not sure why they postponed it, but I think it has something to do with many sports officers being involved with sukipt last sem. Nonetheless I'm pretty excited with the upcoming phase 1 which will be held in Kampus Induk, as the sacramental sport, football will be contested. I also have one eye on the latter phase 4, where futsal is being contested.

Nama pun sukan antara desasiswa, so every participation are in the form of desas. Including desa-desa dari kampus kejut dan kampus kesih. Every desa is hunting for glory, and as for the individual participants, this is their chance to gain as many mycsd points as possible. Well, of course on paper you have to be affiliated to a desa to play for them, but in the spirit of sportsmanship, you can play for any desas, so long as there are mutual interest in both parties. Desa tu nak hang, and ang hang pun nak main untuk desa tu. For instance, if you stay in Bakti Permai, you can play futsal for Restu if you want to.

As for me, I'm pretty much a free agent. I'm technically a PETAS (pelajar tanpa asrama), and I should've played for petas this coming sukad. However, I've never even once represented them. Last year, I played futsal for Tekun, and this upcoming football tournament, Im playing for Indah Kembara. Being a free agent is convenient for me. Orang ni panggil, aku pegi. Orang tu panggil pun aku pegi. Yeah call me a lalang, but my affiliation and commitment is towards the sports itself, not the team that plays it. People wonder, how I can play futsal three or four nights per week, but it's nothing short of ordinary to me, as I have a few mutually exclusive active groups of futsal friends.

Being as it is, I have never considered myself indispensable in any team that I played with. Kata la team A panggil aku untuk main tournament A. Tapi kemudian team A tak panggil aku untuk main tournament B, aku sikit pun tak kecik hati. At my age, playing competitively is not my primary concern anymore. To me, it's all about making friends and networking. Dan Alhamdulillah, ada ja orang nanti ajak main tiap minggu. But I do hope that I can play futsal for fajar nanti. Lots of my friends are playing there, but of course it's up to the mpd and their excos. Like a mercenary, I'll accept anybody that comes knocking. Takkan aku pulak yang nak do the knocking. Hidung tak mancung pipi tersorong-sorong.

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