Friday, February 8, 2013

Great Eastern Umrah/Hajj Takaful

Sudahkah anda bersedia menunaikan haji/umrah? haha tiru ayat pamphlet di tangan. I've been meaning to post about this Great Eastern Takaful plan for the past two weeks and now here I am, writing about some financial asset that will bore your weekend out. Okay takla boring sangat considering that sooner or later, we might start pondering about doing hajj/umrah in the future. The sooner the better. I mean, unlike Indonesian, orang kita selalu pegi buat hajj/umrah lambat-lambat. Sedangkan time muda and kita time sihat walafiat la kita sepatutnya pergi.

Before I begin discussing about this i-GreatAmal takaful, I should make it clear that I don't have any affiliations or relations with Great Eastern nor any of it's associates. I am not an insurance agent and I didn't receive any kind of payment or commission from GE. I am just promoting this product as a goodwill. With that being cleared up, let me tell you what this takaful plan is all about. The mechanism of this takaful is similar to the usual conventional insurance, but unlike the latter, it is a shariah compliance scheme. So you don't have to worry about having your premiums invested in channels that goes against the Islamic law.

There are two things you have to decide during the initial subscription of the takaful. You have to decide the amount of your monthly payment and your period of subscription. For example, you pay 50 bucks a month for 20 years. As soon as you sign up and made your payment, (you're required to pay two months payment in advance, then continue paying on the third month) you are entitled to up to eight benefits and perks from this takaful plan. There's life and total permanent disability coverage. I am not going to discuss the amount as it depends on your monthly payment and premium.

So kalau jadi apa-apa yang tidak diingini, our benefactor akan dapat la duit compensation tu. And there's double coverage if you past away or suffer TPD while doing umrah/hajj. As long as you're in KLIA and Mekah during your pilgrimage, you're entitled to a double multiplier compensation. For example, if your life coverage amounted to RM 40 000, should anything happen to you during pilgrimage, your benefactor will receive RM 80 000. Incidents during the Hajj is quite common, goggle it. I mean, it won't hurt if we're extra prepared right? And ouh, ada jugak manfaat badal. Kalau pemegang polisi tu meninggal dan tak sempat pergi tunai haji, automatically GE akan arrange upah haji untuk pemegang polisi yang meninggal tu.

And there are other cash benefits. Macam manfaat qurban, after the 10th year they will give the holder a sum of money to do qurban. Preparation cash, where you will be given a a certain amount of cash untuk persediaan pergi buat hajj/umrah but only up to two times maximum. And lastly manfaat ihsan, where a quick cash is given to your family should you past away for janazah management. And upon maturity of your takaful, the payment that you had made throughout the years would be given back you, plus a little return. Though Im not sure what was the % return, but when we did the calculation a friend told me it's less than ASB's.

I think this should be a good investment to make. Kalau kita dah ada life insurance pun, still it won't hurt to be covered considering that we only have to pay from as low as RM 50 per month. And kalau kita tak sempat pergi tunaikan haji pun during our holding period, think of it as a free-risk investment. Duit yang kita dapat upon maturity tu dah cukup untuk ambil pakej haji baiduri-nilam. Or even pakej zamrud kalau simpan monthly banyak. Tak perlu sign up untuk muasasah, sebab yg tu ada waiting list. Lambat. Tapi kalau ambil pun apa salahnya. Ikut preference dan kemampuan masing-masing. EnshaAllah. 

*kalau ada salah mana2, tolong betulkan. 
** I heard tabung haji pun offer similar saving plans. tp tak sure la mcm mana. 

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