Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Satu sem lagi

School's starting next week. And our results are coming out this friday. Not sure how I'll fare, but hope it isn't so bad. My primary concern would be the three major finance subjects. Financial Analysis Statement, Security and Portfolio Management and International Finance. My first two semesters were relatively easy compared to last semester. By miles away. Macam langit dengan bumi. Until now, I could still feel the weight of last semester's hardship pinning on my back. Probably because I registered the maximum 21 units allowed by the school. And probably it was down to me taking on three major subjects simulataneously.

This coming new semester will be no stranger. Again, I'll be taking three major papers. And perhaps one or two core papers. I haven't decided yet what the other three subjects are going to be, since I am presented with a few combinations of subjects to minimize the workload. I'm lazy like that. Okay,bukan la sbb malas, tp sbb risau tak terkampui. Last semester I took 6 subjects, of which one of them I consider a 'light' subject that I don't even have to study to get a decent marks. It was as if I only needed to study five subjects ja la. Tu pun tak terkampul. I even took a sabbatical from the varsity futsal team.

Bila dah naik buat degree, my priority changes. I'm only thinking of graduating. And by graduating I mean completing my studies in the shortest easiest way at the expense of losing something else. Of course, when you put much effort into it, something got to give right? Even if it means that I am jeopardizing my CGPA performance. Even if it means that I never get to play futsal for the varsity team. Even if it means that I have to sacrifice my social life. The only thing that's holding me back is my scholarship sponsor. I entered into a covenant with them saying that I'd at least will maintain a certain level of cgpa, and I am planning to honour the contract. 

Kadang-kadang tu menyesal jugak sebab tak sign up dengan JPA dulu. Haha. Tak payah nak susah-susah hati and susah2 payah. Tgk kawan2 yg scholar jpa relax ja. Bagi pi lah pointer berapa pun, jpa sayang depa serupa tu jugak. Okay enough rambling and complaining. Remind me to deactivate this blog when Im doing my internship with Sime. Kalau Sime tau aku cakap aku menyesal sign contract dgn depa, memang kena getah la aku nanti. Tak tak. Saya sayang Sime Darby. Tak tak. Tangan tak ke dada. Mata tak ke atas. Betul-betul. I will be away for a few days. Will be back by the end of the weekend. Cheers.

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