Monday, February 4, 2013

Post Rawak

1. For a long time I've been wanting to re-play Skyrim: The Elders Scroll. I already finished the game but I reckon it would be a great game with high re-play value. Last time I used a warrior so this time I was thinking to start off as a magician. Since I was kind of busy with assignments and tests, I put all my gaming activity on hold. Until at least final exams are over. Now that I had finished the exams, I am reluctant to play. Padahal dulu punya dok simpan niat and punya dok tahan temptation untuk main. I don't know why, maybe my gaming preferences had change. I don't like these hack and slash, beat'em all adventure games any more. Even the latest Devil May Cry that's recently out doesn't tempt me at the slightest. These kind of games consume lots of time, and with me being busy and all, I think that's why I migrated to play more short-duration but repetitive games like PES and dota.

2. Recently a few friends have been asking me why I like to use the name 'mellyzul' in virtual life. Some said that it sounded like a girl's name. And some even go the distance throwing banters at me saying how gay I am. I already lost count on how many times I tried to explain this. So, Im writing this up so in case if there are people asking me in the future, I can simply link them this post. Okay here goes. You know how in Anglos countries, they would call people's name in short form. Macam Robert jadi Bob, William jadi Bill, Frank jadi franky, michael jadi micky. So that's kind of how it works. Although my name's is spelled with an 'i', my friends pronounced it Azmel, or mel. Hence, deriving into Melly. Another simple example is Rio Ferdinand's twitter name. RioFerdy. 

3. I went to Great Eastern recently, where they were trying to promote their takaful products. One of the saving plan they were trying to promote was this i-GreatAmal fund. Untuk buat haji or umrah. I dont know about other states, but in Penang, the Malay community still shy away from the insurance industry, even the takaful ones. So majority of their agents are non-malay. And there's this Chinese agent who tried to pitch her sales to me, asking me to sign up. In her closing pitch, she said something like ' Tak apa maa, you sign up, you jangan anggap ini sebagai expenditure maa. You bayar lagi ini investment, Allah kasi you rezeki'. I smiled at her because she really did her homework, and she worked her angles well. It also made me ponders about the recently 'penggunaan kalimah Allah among non Muslim' issue. Tapi betul jugak, takkan dia nak cakap 'Takpa tokong to'pek kong nanti bagi lu rezeki". In certain context and in certain aspects, I think the usage of Allah should be tolerated by us Muslim. Wallahua'lam.

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