Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Dari kecik smpai besaq aku suka sangat melawan. Melawan bukan in the context nak pi bertumbuk dengan orang, tapi melawan as in tak suka dengar cakap orang. Tak suka dengar cakap orang, tak suka ikut sistem,  and tak suka menerima a generally accepted opinion. Somehow deep down inside me, I am always looking to rebel against something, to defy the odds. Anti-establishment, much? mungkin.

Aku tak suka dengar cakap orang. Kalau orang suruh buat A, aku akan buat B and vice versa. I hate it to be told of what I can do and what I can't do. Yeah, I'm a parent's every nightmare. Sorry abah, mama. Tehee. Kalau orang cakap jangan buat, lagi la aku nak buat. "She's way out of your league, bro". Ding, challenge accepted. "Make sure you do all your tutorials by the end of the week". Ding, free weekend! Tapi heran, kalau orang tak cakap, aku takdak la plak these urges nak defy the odds. For example, if my friend didn't say that she's way out of my league at the first place, that girl would probably still look like Nicky Minaj to me. 

Aku tak suka ikut sistem. Not to the extend that Im against the perlembagaan or the civil law, but I don't like excessive and over the top rules. Macam time aku kat sekolah asrama dulu. Pasaipa kena rigid sangat. Waktu prep, kena study. Waktu lights off kena tido. Waktu riadah kena keluar main. In my days, I always mixed things up. Time orang study, aku tidoq. Time orang tgh tidoq plak, aku study. As a results, I always got into troubles with the wardens. That's if I got caught la. "Apa, USM kampus bebas tembakau?" Ding, Challenge accepted. "Apa, dilarang pijak rumput?" Challenge accepted. 

Aku juga tak suka terima a generally accepted opinion. Especially in the matter of tastes and appreciation. Ingat lagi dulu time My Chemical Romance was still an underground scene, I was in awe with them. And then tiba-tiba semua orang pun minat MCR. Habes, tak minat dah MCR. Also, in sports and competitions, I always root for the underdogs. Time Mick Doohan tengah top dulu, aku sokong Max Biaggi. It was never a fixed thing. Always changing. Remember there was a time when Nadal was always no 2 and Federer was always no 1? Time tu aku sokong Nadal habis-habisan. But when the Nadal era came, I always supported anyone he came up against, whether it's Federer, Djokovic, even Tsongga.

Of course I changed a lot now. Change bukan bermaksud sekarang aku tak melawan and dengar cakap dah. I am still that brat. But I no longer dwells with mere issues and conflicts, as I now rebel on bigger things. Macam memberontak terhadap syarikat korporat gergasi yang tidak bertanggungjawab, parti pemerintah/pembangkang yang tak walk the walk talk the talk, unethical pharmaceutical and animal testing, refugee conflicts and many more. Cewah. So you see, the world needs people like me. haha 


  1. Kann, kalau suruh lagi rasa tak mau buat. Padahal kalau tak suruh biasa ja boleh buat -_-"

  2. wow plakaputeh!!! long time no see!
    how many years has it been? and u didn't forget me
    terharu satt. how are you?? hope u doing good.

  3. Aha, better feel terharu okayy susah nak dapat peminat setia ni :P Alhamdulillah semuanya good2 belaka. Yours sound good too, ke tak? Wish u all the best, and keep writing, keep posting, pastu i'll keep reading :D
