Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Currently been a wee bit busy planning and working out on the ldk module for this coming orientation week. I got various plans worked up that pwns and rwks like me obviously lol. Nak kenakan them freshies kaw2. Whadya think blog? Should I make all of them hate me? Or just came up with modules that make the dudes hate me and the girls to love me? Speak of the devil, did I mentioned that menurut ‘Formula Umur Awek’ (my age / 2 + 7), most freshies yang akan enroll will be the perfect age for me to be with? Yeah, so, yeah. Finally, for the first time I can use the approved younger chick formula (sebab sebelum ni, if I were to apply the formula they’d still be underage :( ).

Woah, woah let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Chup sat. Dammit baru aku ingat that most of the world cup matches kick off at 8 pm Malaysian time. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Beladi bugger! Urgh. I already made a vow to not miss a single game during the world cup! Oh crap. I already got a stern and strict telling off by mama yesterday that she wont tolerate me plotting an escape from this orientation week any way or another. Sob. I can never win an argument with her. She’s damn good. She already predicted what gonna be in her son’s mind better than the son himself. Urgh.

Macam mana ni, macam mana ni? Banyak jugak game best that I’d be missing. Ah Azmil. Kalau nak ikut hang semua game pun best. Grr.. Oh I know! I think this problem would be best handled by future Azmil. He’s more mature, wiser and cooler like that. So just let the future Azmil deal with it. I gotta find a way to become more wiser in a week. In the mean time mari habiskan modul2 ldk ni. Haiz. Those girls kids better be worth my time. After all, I’m doing the noblest thing in this whole wide world, doing the human race a favour. lol

Speaking of the human race, Im going to share something with you blog. I thought that I’d keep it to myself but for the sake of the human race, I kenot tahan dy. LBS sux big time. It didn’t live up to my expectations. In fact it was no where by the book’s standard. There. Now you know I read it, say whatever you want. But let me stress it here, baca LBS macho okay! There’s nothing wrong if a muscular, macho and straight guy enjoys a little erotica chick-flick novel. Man, luckily those guys didn’t read my blog. Otherwise they’d be ripping me off like last time when aku kantoi baca Meg Cabot’s novel. Okay, that tale should stay buried, how the hell I brought that up. Laters alligators

Ok cun

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