Saturday, June 5, 2010

The job that blows

I am a lazy arse. If I were to find a job, the job shouldn’t take much of my time and energy but offers a compatible salary. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a lot, but just enough to compensate the effort that I put into. I mean, kalau gaji 5k pun tapi effort kerja tu macam 8k punya kerja buat apa. Nak kena balik lambat, nak kena sacrifice banyak benda nak buat apa. And I prefer jobs that offer much autonomy so I can plan my time and work freely. I don’t like to be push, and I don’t like too much regulations, timetables, datelines etc. I think I’m at my best that way.

One big example was my secondary education life. When I was in pfs, I do whatever I want, whenever I want. Bila aku rasa nak fool around, aku fool around and bila aku rasa nak study, aku study. Bila aku masuk mrsm, I have to put up with the ridiculous timetable; nak kena pergi prep lah, nak kena riadah lah, pastu nak kena light’s off lah. Benda-benda ni suma wajib ikut. Aku bukan jenis yang suka stick to routine. Kadang2 tu waktu prep aku rasa nak tidur, waktu riadah aku rasa nak lepak and waktu tidur aku nak study. Kalau tak ikut mula la kena aim warden. Bila dah salu kena rotan marah and salu melawan, camna nak berkat? Hehe

There’s nothing wrong being a mercenary too. Simply work for whoever that offers you the most incentives, money and satisfactions. Jangan sembang pasal loyalty. Jangan sembang pasal betrayal. The loyalty we have is the loyalty to the profession, not the loyalty to the company/organization. This year for the National Criket League, Adam is playing for Kedah. Adam tak main untuk Penang. Kedah is beladi rich. They offered Adam macam-macam. And the allowance they are giving to Adam is much more than what Penang used to pay Adam. The team stayed in a cozy condominium, dengan gym, nutritional food and they really prepared well. Sebulan sebelum tournament diorang dah pergi dah kl untuk centralized training. Memang boleh nampak effort nak menang. Lagi satu benda yang buat Adam masuk hati dengan Kedah is their manners. The coach mai jauh2 dari Kedah, jumpa mama and abah mintak permission for Adam to play for them.

Adam’s loyalty is towards cricket. His loyalty is not towards Penang or Kedah. When you’re loyal to your profession, while you’re at it why not choose side that treats you well and benefits you? Samala dengan the brain drain that our country is suffering. Antar student kita mahal-mahal ambik medical degree and in the end they didn’t come back for their housemanship. Instead they stay over there because apparently the country didn’t pay good enough. Selalu jadik. Berapa ribu orang Malaysian yang kerja kat Singapore? Berapa ribu orang yang crossed that border in Tebrau mencari rezeki which to our dismay does not contribute to our country’s growth?

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