Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tak goyang pun

They always said “if you cant beat them, join them”. Be it in sports, in business, in smacktalking, in competitions and many more. It’s actually a good thing to do. You can achieve greater heights, more than you could ever imagine with your new ‘team’. That’s why every football player wants to play for Barcelona. That’s why Gerakan joined Barisan Nasional. And that’s why Cadbury was acquired by Kraft. Banyak contoh kita boleh tengok. I mean, why fight a losing battle?

However, this doesn’t mean that you can sell your soul by letting go of what you’ve believed in; your values, your philosophy and your dreams when you’re changing teams. I have seen many splendid people turning into douchebags when they change teams. I think it’s pathetic. Only join your unbeatable rivals when you don’t have to give up anything that you’ve believed in. That’s why I'd rather stay a one man army rather than giving up things that I’m made of.

A losing battle doesn’t mean you’ll end up losing the war. With perseverance and hardwork, you’ll turn the tide eventually. If you’re patients enough you’ll emerge victorious or at least make an impact. Been there. Done that. Time and time again, against all odds, I triumphed. I took my rival’s insults and critics with a little pinch of salt. And before I knew it, I had those very same people joining me. Lol. Pride comes before fall.

Recently I learnt that I’ve been a subject of interest to a certain someone. She’s been up my ass ever since she didn’t get to join the committee. The bish been finding faults in me, talking things behind my back. rofllmao that cracks me up. I don’t even consider her worthy to be my adversaries. In fact aku tak kenal pun dia, but she’s been going around as if she knew me for years. Again, lol. Aku tak dak kena mengena pun dengan recruitment. Dah tak dapat tu terima ja la. Deal with it. Orang lain suma ikhlas, hang sorang ja niat nak mencapub, nak glamour, nak expose diri. Sebab tu la tak dpat kot. Kot la.

Tapi in the end, after a hard work of sucking up, bodek and god knows what, she got in. Agak pelik la. You’re willing to sell your souls by joining us, sedangkan sebelum ni hang mati-mati belittle and badmouthing us the committee. Hypocritical bish. Clearly you need us more than we need you sampai sanggup dropped your macam-bagus comments and remarks about us. Looking forward to work together with her. Tbh, I don’t have anything against her. Like I said, I don’t see her worthy to be my adversary. Her opinion means jack to me. In fact she gave all the more reason for me to like her. Cause she’s funny, like that. lol

Ok cun

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