Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wax On, Wax Off

I grew up watching lots of movies. Well, not the one that they showed in the cinemas, but the one they have on video tapes, and video disc. Abah was a movie freak and he bought tons of it. Back in the 90’s we were young and cute so most movies that abah bought/rented is not really appropriate for us kids to watch. I remembered this one particular movie(s), the Die Hard trilogies (trilogies since Die Hard 4 only came out in 2007, 12 years after DH3) starred by Bruce Willis. I was in awe with Detective John McClane. You don’t mess with McClane. He would go on ‘rambo’ing towards the bad guys and kill’em all.

And of course, who would forget John McClane’s line every time when he’s about to pwn the bad guys. “Yipi-ki-yay motherf**ker”. Again, being young and naïve and cute and didn’t understood what it means, I went around the neighbourhood cursing every kids. Haha teruk jugakla kena rotan when mama found out about it. Abah was in trouble too. He got pwned by mama, bad. lol So in order to avoid serious lectures from mama, everytime abah bought or rented movies, he would make sure that he got us some videos that us kids can watch.

During that time we were still using the VCR, ala the video cassette thingy. From the top of my head, I remember Baby’s Day Out, Jumanji, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Karate Kid Trilogies, Casper the friendly ghost, Joe’s Apartment and Toy Story. The other day they showed Baby’s Day Out on HBO. I almost forgot about it but luckily I got to re-live my childhood experience once more. The show was plain stupid and I found it insulting my intelligence but I watched it until the end anyway. I realized the movie might be stupid and unrealistic for my age, but not back then when I was 7 years old. Who cares how sucks it was. The point is, it holds a sentimental value to our family.

That’s a memento where we sit together as family and have a great time together. BDO might not be funny as I thought then, but through all parts of the movies I kept smiling reminiscing how great my childhood were. This week, Karate Kid will be on and Toy Story 3 the following week. Indeed it was only a sequel. The plot and the CGI is much sophisticated now. But if it weren’t for their previous series, I don’t think I would watch it. Mana boleh lupa Mr. Miyagi “wax on, wax off” karate’s teaching. Masa aku kecik dulu I believed in it and I thought if I practiced wax on wax off, I can kick Hanif’s ass. Hanif was a school bully, but what the heck that’s another story.

Punya semangat tolong abah polish kereta and diam2 polish kereta neighbour punya nak jadi karate kid. After a while that I thought that I’ve became stronger dengan muka poyo I seek Hanif. I kicked Hanif’s ass…..NOT. I thought I could show Hanif my martial arts skills but the only thing I could show him was my middle finger. Lol. He beat the crap out of me. Oh screw you Mr Miyagi!! You lied! Ok bye ada kelas. KK and TS3, see you.

Ok cun

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