Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hello blog. Im back in Penang now. Am frigin tired but the trip was a delight. This is one of the best road trip I’ve been into. A road trip is supposed to be fun and spontaneous. We never really plan our trip. We stopped where we wanted to stop, we rested whenever we wanted to, we fooled around and we decided to things spontaneously. The supposed 6 hours jouney became a 10 hours journey. Along with your favorite people in the car with good music and lotsa time and money in your hand, I couldn’t ask for more!

It’s been a whole year since my last visit and I was amused with how Melaka had changed in just a year. Ali Rustam did a good job, kudos. We made it to Ijoi’s akad nikah on Friday evening. And on Friday night, we had futsal with almost everybody whom touched my heart and soul during my short-but-wonderful stint in Malacca. Faruk, Kuga, Pakwan, Mirul, Zul J, Zul M, Nasir, Waru, Apek, Faique, Ejai, Faizal and Hamzi played well. It is as though I am hundred of miles lagging behind them.

We also get to spend precious time catching up, ripping each other, kutuk-mengutuk, usik-mengusik etc. Not too long ago I posted about how I felt inferiors of lagging behind my friends. Well, when it came to these guys, I would never be. These are the guys who had been with me through thick and thin. These colourful people had been with me from the beginning. I have their back in difficult times and they never judged me. No matter how much I’m lagging behind their support makes me feels as if we’re standing on the same grounds. Too bad a few people Im expecting to see couldn’t make it. Nevermind. Maybe next time.

The after-wedding: lepaking with the bridegroom. Gambar cilok.
The next day, we attended Ijoi’s reception. I get to meet more friends, Apam, Fatah and Syazwan to name a few. It went well with the exception of some schmuck ruining the wedding with their off pitch, out of tune karaoke singing. During this trip, I realized that whenever we lepak, we tend to discuss and merapiks about marriage, our career, our first car etc. That sanavabish Ijoi really pulled the trigger on us. He really makes us want to sort out our future as soon as possible. And as for me, I did something that I’ve never done for the past two years. Thinking about the long term plan. All this while, I’ve been only focusing on my short terms plan. Hell, I only been thinking about what to do in my life in no less than five days in advance.

Indeed, it is kinda early for Ijoi to be married. He skipped the bachelor life:- the life where you go mad collecting gadgets and gears, staying in a one room studio, drive a two seater sports car, travel to Europe to watch your favorite team plays football live etc. Instead, he skipped past one stage to the married life:- the life where you become fat, staying in a semi-d (or a bungalow), drive a family mpv, and enduring whining and complaining for the rest of your life. But still, that sanavabish pulled the trigger well. Makes us curious, what is it like to be living a married life. Semoga ke anak cucu.
Juga gambar cilok.

Ok cun

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