Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dramatical Error

The family is away on vacation. I gotta stay since I’m having classes and I’ve got to attend this orientation committee meeting this Friday. So I’ve got the house all to myself for couple of days. Being alone by myself presented me the opportunity to you know, spend some quality time experimenting with my cooking. Ok aku tipu. Mengapit dua buku bijik keping roti di antara daging salami, tuna dan sayuran tak dikira sebagai memasak. Eh chup, kirala..susah kot nak buat sandwich. It’s one of the wonders of cooking art as we have to figure out the bun to meat to salad ratio, in order to make the puurfeectt sandwich.

Anyway, since nobody’s home to wake me up in the morning and with the world cup fever going on, I woke up a wee bit late for my class. Dengan ting tongnya, I hustled to the shoe cabinet to grab my shoes and go, not realizing that something is a little bit off. The shoes are scattered all over the floor. But the sleep deprivation makes me so lazy to think through and also, being a Sherlock Holmes wannabe was sooo 2009 (yeh Im updated like that), so I put my hand in only to be scratched slashed by this ferocious, pugnacious creatures. In agonizing pain, I…tett, enough with the dramatic story telling already, azmil.

Ok I found this cat just giving birth to four kittens in the shoe cabinet. It’s not even my cat, I dunno whose to begin with. The mom’s were very vigilant and scary. I’ve to wait like until maghrib until the mom went away looking for food to have a good look at them. I’m not really a cat person, heck I don’t think I’ll ever get along well with animals or pets. But who doesn’t love babies? All babies are awesome be it humans or animals. They’re cute and adorable and help you impress and mengorat chicks. Theehee. I even named one of them Salman. The one yang sulung tu (I just assume it’s the sulung) as if la I can I tell which is which. Puurrr!

Ok cun


  1. waa..mmg kucing tu just giving birth kah?
    tp nampak mcm dah gebu anak2 kucing itu..
    huhu :)

    and betul bile nampak lelaki bersama baby, nmpak sgt penyayang :D

  2. haha, tul kan? nak guna taktik ni lah ngorat awek pasni hehe

  3. huhu, skali buat2 tengOk2 awek tu xske budak2..:P

  4. haha mana mungkin. at least 90% of them love kids. 10 kali try, 9 kali lekat.. hahaha

    btw, I was wondering, how did you come across my blog? you're in my fb list ka?

  5. haha..silap2 tak lekat langsung sbb ingat u seorang ayah :P

    tak2..fb u i xcari la pulak..cari kat google..

    hurm, cane nak mulakan ye..panjang la citenye..rgkasnya, u salah sorg dr org yg i kenal, one day, i on9 tnpa sebab, pstu xtau nak watpe,i cari la, tp bukan niat nak jd stalker, cuma sbb dh lama xdgr ape2, so i google la..

    tbe2 terlekat lak dtg blog u kerap2..

    oh, tp siyes xgtau org i jumpe blog u, n i ade sbb yg brkaitan diri sndiri nape i xgtau org..

    cite pnjgnye xleh nak cite sini, segan..

  6. huh? u know me? woah..this is...


  7. haha..xde nye i wat ape2..

    *rase cam xselesa lak pas gtau*
    *adoi T__T", mahu kembali ke 'comfort zone'*
