Monday, June 28, 2010

Comfort Zone

Contoh Situasi A

Anda ada duit dalam bank. Tak banyak, tak sikit. Tapi cukup untuk anda membeli belah barang-barang kegemaran anda yang anda sudah lama aim. Nak dijadikan cerita the mall is having a sales, dimana inilah peluang keemasan anda untuk membeli barang-barangan tersebut pada harga yang lebih murah. Tetapi last2 anda tak beli pun barang tersebut. Bukan sebab duit tak cukup and bukan sebab anda nak berjimat pun. Tapi anda takut anda menyesal membeli barangan tersebut. Apabila duit masih di tangan anda, anda lebih rasa powerful. Maybe perasaan ‘mampu’ beli tu wujud. Jika anda spend awal2 duit tersebut untuk membeli barang A, anda akan rasa hapless apabila anda melihat barang B. Baik jangan spend, fikir anda.

Contoh Situasi B

Ali berkawan lama dah dengan Milah. They were the best of friends until one day Ali realized that he has feelings for her. Milah feels the same way too, and Ali knows that. Tapi Ali never make an effort to woo her, apatah lagi nak try to move on to the next stage of the relationship. Bukan sebab Ali bacul, takda teloq or tak berani. Tapi sebab Ali rasa what they already have is wonderful; by being bestfriend. Ali takut that he might found out something about Milah that will ruin the relationship. Ali jugak takut that she might found out something about him that she don’t like. Baik tak payah become an item, fikir Ali.

Contoh Situasi C

Aku baru ja bukak sebuah engineering firm. Sebagai sebuah small-medium enterprise in the country, money is very hard to come by. Aku sepatutnya awal2 lagi dah cari customer. Making calls and setting up appointments. Tapi aku dok bazir masa fikir macam mana nak susun pejabat aku, fikir pen apa yang aku nak guna untuk sign documents, and fikir colour apa yang sesuai untuk signboard pejabat aku. Padahal benda-benda ni kalau nak buat sat ja. The longer I put off starting my own firm, the longer it can remain a dream and not something that I screwed up at. Baik aku take my own sweet time enjoying the moment, fikir aku.

I am that kind of a guy who’s afraid to step out of my comfort zone. Well, not all the time la of course. But most of the time, I’d rather play it safe in order for things to fit my views of the world. I am so afraid of mistakes, rejections, regrets, and things resulted from any ‘step-out-of-my-comfort-zone actions.’ It’s been a while since I made this kind of decisions; the last being my decision to run for student representative councils election a year ago. I wonder when the next one is going to be?


  1. bro,the way u type reminds me to the way u talk..haha tetiba ja...if you hold back your feelings just because you are afraid of getting hurt, you will end up hurting anyway.sampai bila nak dok dlm comfort zone? answer unt situation A,yes saya akan beli sbb murah dan saya dh lama aim benda tu..hee

    2nd situation,sbb saya perempuan,perigi tak boleh cari u lelaki,u shud be brave to admit that u like her..Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have or could have had. No one waits forever..

    sometimes i wish to be born as he..haih bersyukur2..

  2. i've been holding back a lot..maybe cause all i wanted to do is to protect myself and to minimize the hurt. For instance contoh situasi a, if i dont buy, i dont have to confront with the aftermath-the mistake and the regrets (if any of this occured). And in b, i'll be risking losing milah if anything goes wrong. Daripada tak dapat langsung, baik dapat sikit ja (frienship)..and mind you that all of the above is not related whatsoever with my rl. :P

    tell me, how often that you stepped out from your comfort zone? and how did you do it? and how do you deal with the consequences if things go wrong? kasi tips sket

  3. cth situation A tu,how bout if that thing give u pleasure,benefits after u bought it..setiap benda kat dunia ni ada 2 ja,it's either failure or succeed..Untuk 2nd situation tu,mcm ni la the way to love something is to realized that i might be lost..but,u will never know until u try it..haha i tak cakap pun it's related with ur real life bwek..tapi mesti ada jugak kan relate sket2 hahaha.. be frank,not that often i can say but tadakla sampai tak brani amik risiko's ok to fail,if u r not failing then u not growing...tapi dalam kes relationship pun i never regret benda yg dah jadi,lagi bersyukur adalah at least i know him sebelum kami serius lg..kuang kuang kuang haha

    p/s-u asking tips for the wrong person la deyy haha

  4. haha nice one.. :D thanx for your insightful opinion. All this while I cant afford to be bold just yet. Maybe because I was still recovering. I failed big time, and it took lots of healing (and growing just like you said ;-)). I've hit rock bottom, and that's why I cant afford any more screw-up while I bounce back.

    But now everything is behind me, I'll make sure I dont have any regrets. And occasionally jump off that barrier :D
