Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lagu Hari Ini 3

Deep Purple- Highway Star

Nobody gonna take my car
I'm gonna race it to the ground
Nobody gonna beat my car
It's gonna break the speed of sound
Oooh it's a killing machine
It's got everything
Like a driving power big fat tyres
and everything


I love it and I need it
I bleed it yeah it's a wild hurricane
Alright hold tight I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my girl
I'm gonna keep her to the end
Nobody gonna have my girl
She stays close on every bend
Oooh she's a killing machine
She's a moving mouth body control
and everything

I love her I need her
I seed her
Yeah She turns me on
Alright hold on tight I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my head
I got speed inside my brain
Nobody gonna steal my head
Now that i'm on the road again
Oooh i'm in heaven again i've got everything
Like a moving ground an open road
and everything

I love it and I need it
I seed it eight cylinders all mine
Alright hold on tight I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my car
I'm gonna race it to the ground Nobody gonna beat my car
It's gonna break the speed of sound
Oooh it's a killing machine
It's got everything like a driving power big
fat tyres and everything

I love it and I need it
I bleed it
Yeah it's a wild hurricane
Alright hold on tight I'm a highway star

I'm a highway star, I'm a highway star

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Renjis Renjis Dipilis

Hey ya blog. Sorry been busy a wee bit. I had to replace and reschedule all my class for this week and the next week because I'll be away for a while. I'm going to Melaka to attend my bestie's wedding. Ijoy's getting married. Man, why would you waste all the fun by getting married to soon ijoy? Grrr..muda lagi kot! haha. Ijoy and I go wayy back. We were housemate back then along with all other crazy Putatian that I adore and love soo much.

Cilok from FB Ijoi

He's a great lad, understanding in and oddly crazy and annoying way. He's always there for us, just like the rest of the Putatians. And man, I wouldn't trade the experiences we had together with anything else in the world. Ok, nak tulis pasal Ijoy sampai esok pun tak abes. Satgi termenangis sedih plak. Anyway, Ijoy orang Perlis. But we choose to go to the bride's reception in Melaka, since all friends are familiar with Melaka. And this would probably be our last time together since everybody is graduating. Man, I cant wait to see them!

Gambar Cilok jugak. Ijoy is second standing from the right.

Anyway I wish you a great marriage ahead and a great career ahead. Congratulations on your marriage and your graduation Ijoy! Will be spending the night at SP tomorrow, and on Friday after Subuh we'll begin our road trip to Melaka. From SP, we'll singgah KK ambil Pakwan and we're all set. Woot! Melaka here I come!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Recap: Tournament Part II

ok sambung part II. I erdy recapped about the preparation. So this time Im going to recap bout the implementation. We did it on a Sunday morning, tak ingat la plak brapa haribulan, hadoih pelupa tui. Should have telan all those examo pills my parents bought me when i was in form five. *sigh* It was a one day tournament, pagi sampai petang. The weather was nice, the morning crowd pun was okay since on that day, the communication students are organising their fyp project as well. We came early, for the setup.

When we were setting up, baru sedar banyak sngat benda terlupa/kurang/tadak. But those guys in logistic really helped us out. They offered us various equipments, walaupun kami tak mintak. Credit to them. Abang JJ and his friend were punctual to do their job too, to officiate the matches. The contestants pun were slightly punctual, with the exception of Pirate Revenge, ex-ict student punya team. Because of them, we started our program very very late. Kalau ikut hati, memang aku nak disqualify their participation and return their money. Tapi apa kan daya, when I ask our account manager, we were broke. Camna nak bagi balik? *sigh* nampak gaya kena tunggu lah.
We started late for almost an hour because of one team that came late, but certainly it didnt kill the spirit and the atmosphere of the tournament. The matches was enjoyable and everybody was competitive. Outsiders teams pun behave well, when they were inside the college. One big flaw yang aku nampak is the ballpicking department. The committee kena kutip bola bila the ball when out of bound. Dengan cuaca terik, and committee yang kurang, I totally understood that they were a wee bit reluctant being the ballpicker. Haih. We should have hired the budak2 kampung nearby to help us. This vigorous ballpicking work had taken it's toll on us. I dare to say 70% of our energy was poured down to this activity alone.

I had my fair share of fun on that day too. Paling best when abang JJ buat perangai nak makan. Padahal sebelum tu I asked him whether he wants food or not and he said no. Tiba-tiba dia ckap nak makan. Dahla Sunday, kedai banyak tutup. So Afiq and me pederaih pi kat jalan bahru nak cari makan. We cant waste any more time since we are wayyy behind schedule. Masa tu aku dah ting tong dah. Banyak sangat benda dalam kepala. Dahla penat. Punya ting tong sampai naik moto tak pakai slipper. Rilek ja masuk kedai makan kaki ayam, dengan badan hapak bungkus nasik. Hehe. And then there was a fight during the semi-final. Nyaris-nyaris gaduh. Tapi team outsider la, bukan student kita .Dahla fan ramai. Bila bergaduh sekali dengan fan-fan masuk padang. Nasib baik dan leraikan depa. Phew
All in all it was a great day. For sure, bla buat tournament, problems occurred. We are dealing with human here, not machine. Banyak karenah, banyak masalah. But nothing major that we could not handle happen. So thumbs up to the committee! If it's not for them, we wont make it. Yang penting kita berjaya mantain prestij and brand tournament ni. As for our MPP team, we managed to play until the quarter final. Quite an achievement considering that we were freaking tired organizing the events. Lagipun our target memang q-final. Anything more than q-final is considered bonus.

Ok cun

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sad Sad Week

It's coming to the last week of May and three of my favourite sitcom and drama series is coming to the season's finale. Man, im going to miss them. Fret not, I believe all three are going to resume the next season some time in September this year. I'm going to miss Alan Harper, Sheldon Cooper and Derek Morgan. Im gonna go for House, Friends and Prison Break series marathon after I'm done with this three.

Bring on the season's finale!

Two and a Half Men Season 7

The Big Bang Theory Season 3

Criminal Minds Season Five

Friday, May 21, 2010

Best Google Logo. Ever.

Brings back old memories. Kecik2 dulu salu main through the 8bit console yang pakai catridge tu and dekat arcade. Gonna savour it while it last! Pacman ftw!! Ok, nak sambung main

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Recap: Tournament Part I

Checked MPPICT’s fb page a while a go. Didn’t realize they uploaded the tourney’s pic up. Man, as I browse through, it all came back to me. Damn I had fun. Like, super fun. I guess I better recap balik what happened before I started to forget back. Azmil Alzheimer, panggilan mereka kepadaku memandangkan kapasiti memori aku hanya seteruk sehebat ikan guppy. Wth dahla tak cool. Tak rhyme pun! Grr

Ok, this is one of the MPP’s activities held during the semester. Afiq and I was the co-director of the event, and basically our job was to make it happen. Aku agak risau awal2 tu memandangkan event dinahkodai oleh dua orang lelaki macho, but Afiq and me was totally in sync. The level of tolerance and understanding between us was really splendid. I really enjoyed working with him. Tapi tipulah kalau aku cakap semua berjalan lancar. We had all sort of problems. First, obviously the resource. Duit tak cukup, workforce tak cukup. Kemudian problem untuk memuaskan hati pelbagai pihak. Denih nak camni, detuh nak camtu. Sampai at one point Im really worried these demands and changes would affect the spirit, integrity and concept of the tourney. But we managed to uphold our ends in maintaining the desired objectives.

Preparation dia agak banyak jugakla nak kena buat. Banyak proses. Tempah barang kat logistic. Jahit net yang bocor sana sini. Buat line. Tempah medal and trophies. Beli equipments. Buat promotions and 'marketing'. Buat rules and regulations. Macam-macam.

Paling tak boleh lupa bila nak buat line. Dahla we had to go all the way to Teluk Kumbar to pick up the buat line punya thingy. Ala yang golek2 tu. Ada roda. Lenggek atas tanah kluar minyak. And then we had to do it all on our own. Susah kot nak buat line. Nak kena ukur. Nak kena letak tali etc. Berap puluh kali ukurpun, line kiri dgn line kanan yang parallel tu mesti tak sama panjang. Sat2 short. Sat2 lebih. At the end we’d settle for 0.4 m short on the right side. Ala ralat sikit2 takpa. Lol. Lagi satu bila nak buat circle. We tied the golek2 thingy with a rope as the marker and we go around it. In order to make a circle the rope must be stretched at all times. Ala..macam benda set geometri yang ada pensel dgn benda tajam tu lah.lupa nama dia. So we have to remind the guy who’s pushing the golek2 thing three things:
“Cekang elok” indicates that it was the perfect spot.
“Cekang tak elok” indicates that the rope is too stretched out, so the pusher must move a lil bit inside nearer the guy who’s holding the rope.
“Kendoq” indicates that the rope is not stretched, so the pusher must move a lil bit away from the guy holding the rope.

It was beladi funny when we started making sexual remarks, and saying cekang elok, cekang tak elok arousingly. Pecah gelak tak mau mau. Besides that, we were having problems in the referee department. I knew this neighbor of mine who’s working as a referee. He wants to bring along 3 of his referee friends and demand each to be paid 100 ringgit each. Memang tak dapat ahh. Dahla baru rookie, dah demand lebih2. Grr. With the help from Qiu, he managed to get abang JJ’s phone number through Mr Jimmy. Abang JJ is and old fart. He talks highly of himself, but he’s no pushover. And tak berlagak diva. He offered us a reasonable price. Cuma cakap besaq dia ja yang kena tahan dengaq. Hidup abang JJ

nnt sambung part II

ok cun

Unnecessary Spending

Those who says money isn’t everything is not a good shopper. Or so they say. But on the other hands, I’m always broke. So the ‘shopper’ philosophy doesn’t look so hip anymore isn’t it? Haha. I spent recklessly. *sigh* I really need to spend my money wisely as I am coming to my last semester. Have to make sure I still have some money left on me when my Mara’s contract is over while looking for loans or scholarship. An Arabian friend of mine always told me “Nevermind Azmil. Back in our country we always do that. Live like a king for one day, and live poorly and eat sands the next 29 days”. Sounds cool but I don’t think Im up for it.

Being a chain smoker, much of my money are spent on cigarettes. Gosh I really need to kick out this habit. This doesn’t include the occasional expensive cigar I bought when I wanted to celebrate something. Ada benda nak celebrate ja, beli cigar. Beli soft drink and go lepak with my favourite people. Aku pun tak tau sapa yang bawak budaya ni. Even non smoking friends pun smoke cigar. Chauvinist la konon.

Selain tu, aku banyak membazir duit beli Red Bull. Red Bull gives you wings! Haha buat iklan tak berbayar pulak. I don’t know why, but I must start my day with a can of Red Bull. Katala kelas start kul 9, and it’s 9.15, usaha jugak nak singgah kedai kat pekan Balik Pulau nak beli. Heck, aku siap tau lagi mana kedai jual mahal mana kedai jual murah. Ada kedai jual 2.50 ada kedai jual 2.70 ada kedai jual 2.90. Gila obsess. Gila drug addict. Nicotine and caffeine.

Being a sports maniac, I spent large proportion of my money on supplement and gears too. Beli carb, protein bar, vitamins, kasut, jersi, etc. Gila hypocrite. On one hand you take care of yourself etc and on another hand you selfdestruct consuming nic and caff excessively. Haha. Besides the hypocrisy disease, I am suffering from GAS too. Gear Acquisition Sydrome. I have the hots for buying new guitar pedals, amplifiers, and also computer hardwares and softwares. Bukan selalu pun pakai pedal, baik aku beli ja multi effect pedal senang tapi mungkin beli effect pedal satu2 nampak lebih macho dan rock. Samala dengan computer pun. Kalau boleh tiap2 kali PC fair nak ja upgrade hardware. Software pun. Katala aku pakai satu satu software ni v2.0 and v2.1 dah keluar. Punya usaha nak upgrade padahal tak banyak beza pun function and apps dia. Gila kiasu.

Lagi satu. Yang ni aku tau sapa bawak budaya ni. My 7 years old sister. Pantang tengok benda cantik ja mesti nak beli. Yesterday we went to Popular Prangin, nak beli buku. And si kecik tu was browsing through the stationery section. Being the manipulative brat, she convinced me to buy her this odd looking getah pemadam. Ada banyak sangat bentuk taktau nak pilih mana satu and we end up buying all 12 shapes! Tapi yang excited lebihnya aku, bukan adik aku. Grr. That brat. But still, I love her heaps

What? Ada banyak benda nak padam okay! I jot down many important stuff koott. And I figured I do the world a favour by recycling paper. Haiz..

Ok cun

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The holiday

Hey blog.. I hate holidays. Wah, intro mau ala-ala novel chick flick yang aku baca adik aku dok baca. Where were we? Oh, ok I hate holidays. Especially this time of the year. Time nilah ramai budak2 IPTA/IPTS balik cuti. Time nilah jugak budak2 yang study overseas balik Malaysia, summer holiday kata mereka. Soon, the country will be swarmed of students on holiday with nothing much to do. So this is the best time for them to hang out with their long lost/separated friends, catching up kata mereka. Well, where does “I hate holidays” got anything to do with it? Erm, the part di mana proses catching up tu involves me.

Great. Flame me all you want blog, but for the past few years I have been avoiding them. Tak kira kawan pfs or kawan mrsm. To be honest, I don’t really know why. When I think about it, I can come up with hundreds of reasons answers. Maybe I’m not ready. Maybe I’m feeling inferior. Maybe I’m a wuss. Maybe I’m a loser. Maybe I’m a loser and I can’t deal with it. Maybe I’m a loser and I can deal with it but can’t deal with what people might think of me. Maybe Im a kiasu. Maybe Im being plain paranoid, given brapa banyak maybe aku fikir daa..

I’ve been avoiding text messages, phone calls, sampai to the extend aku terpaksa offline YM and MSN seeing how persistent they are in trying to contact me. *sigh. I mean come on, what is there to catch up? To them maybe a lot. But to me, nah. Nothing much. I can easily sum up my life with ‘Yeah, I threw away my SD scholarship just to pursue a career in football but failed after I got injured. Ok, aku balik dulu, aku dah habis catch up dah.’ Or in a more detailed, literal way:

Ali: Aku nak kahwin Jun ni. Pas kahwin aku nnt balik moscow and abeskan MD aku. After a year, aku nanti balik mesia, buat housemanship. Tak pun aku sambung. Aku ingat nak specialize in neurology eh, oncology la best sket, eh cardiology la, lagi kaya.

Azmil: Congrats weh! Aku..aku..aku.. aku tak abes lagi diploma.

Ok fine maybe aku ada inferiority complex. Ataupun memang aku kiasu. But seriously I don’t mind being the laughing stock. I don’t mind being judged. Apa orang nak kata, apa orang nak judge terpulang la kat depa. What I mind is being hurt when I have to recap balik what I’ve been through all this while. It is effking painful to go through that once more, explaining things yang belum tentu orang akan faham. Buat apa? Baik tak payah. And speaking about hurt, it is likely they will ask about H. Since we were the high school sweet hearts and we lasted for like 5 years, until one day she left. Talking about it, no, thinking about it ja pun dah makes my heart ache.

I appreciate their intention, insisting on meeting up with me. Kalau aku jadi depa, dah lama aku give up. Watpa nak ambik peduli dengan mamat kerek, sombong, kera sumbang etc. But Im just not ready. They don’t have any idea what I’ve been through and Im not ready to open up to everyone. That’s why I pushed them away. Maybe one fine day…I’ll start messaging you guys in YM (yes they are in my ym list but I’ve came up with excuses just to avoid conversation everytime they pm me) or even add you guys up in FB. But for the time being, I’m damaged.

ok tak cun

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lagu Hari Ini 2

Rolling Stones: You Can't Always Get What You Want

I saw her today at a reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she would meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
And if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she was gonna meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need

Oh yeah, hey hey hey, oh...

And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse"
Sing it to me now...

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need
Oh baby, yeah, yeah!

I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"
I said to him

You can't always get what you want, no!
You can't always get what you want (tell ya baby)
You can't always get what you want (no)
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need
Oh yes! Woo!

You get what you need--yeah, oh baby!
Oh yeah!

I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need

You can't always get what you want (no, no baby)
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need, ah yes...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Obligatory Updates

1. Chelsea won the FA Cup, completing their domestic double. While I enjoyed Chelsea's success, I am also sad to see Portsmouth losing. They are relegated to the Championship division next season and the only memorable thing that they could give to their fan was by winning the FA Cup. Unfortunately they didn't, albeit at some point of the match they should lead when they were awarded a penalty. Boateng failed to score from the spot and a few minutes later, Chelsea scored. Tough luck Pompey, and hope to see you back in the Premier League the next season!

2. Baroness Warsi becomes the first Muslim woman to serve in the cabinet in Britain. Pilihan raya baru-baru ni memaksa Gordon Brown letak jawatan PM dan diambil alih oleh David Cameron. So with the conservative party taking over, Warsi was appointed as the Minister Without Portfolio in Cameron's first cabinet. Lebih kurang macam Datuk Sri Idris Jala la. Anyway, Im not sure whether she's a practising muslim or a non-practising muslim. Hmmmhh

3. Beladi hell, aku fail cooper test semalam. In 12 minutes I only managed to run 2450 metres. My personal best was like 3000 metres. :( I really should work on my fitness.

4. Selamat hari guru to all teachers who had touched my souls and lighten up my day in every possible ways. This goes to all my primary and secondary teachers no matter where there are right now. Haha as if la they read my blog. zzz. Wished I could send you all cards or bangkai cicak (cerita lain) but Im broke and too old to spend my time catching one. :(

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shutting them up

One word. Overjoyed. Overjoyed to see my brother received countless of offers to pursue his tertiary education. Adam had to go down a different path in his academic world. Unlike me, I was given the luxury and bless by Allah to do well in my studies. But Adam is different. He has difficulty in studying. However, Adam is special. He is blessed with multiple talents in sports.

In this country that prioritize academic achievement, the future looks bleak for Adam. Albeit, he never gives up. I remembered years ago, when Adam got his UPSR result. He cried. He asked what is wrong with him. He asked why cant he be like me, but we convinced him that Allah has better plans for him. And indeed it was true.

Walaupun result UPSR Adam tak elok, dia berjaya masuk Penang Free; sekolah yang semua ahli keluarga lelaki aku attend. Kalau ikut result dia tak layak masuk, tapi disebabkan Penang Free ada sign memorandum pembangunan sukan dengan Persatuan Kriket Melayu Malaysia, Adam was offered a place. My mother is a teacher dekat Penang Free. Sometimes my mom got hurt when she listened to some cikgu2 menggelabah yang buat PFS-hanya-untuk-budak-pandai-anak-hang-pandaikah punya remark. Ada jugak yang pandai2 kata Adam got through because guna kabel (masa tu bapak aku Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah). Macam-macam.

These beladi comments shattered Adam's motivation. But we family stood together. Sikit-sikit, Adam prove to them that PFS needs him more than he needs PFS. Dia harumkan nama sekolah. Dia menang tournament tu, dia menang tournament ni. Often, his team makes the news in the newspaper. He played for the state, and even for the country. Heck he was the first malay to be appointed as the Penang captain. And he delivers well. Under his leadership Penang won the MSSM tournament for the first time in their history. He was also the skipper for the country. Little by little people stopped questioning.

But still, Adam was worried. Playing crickets has taken its toll on him. It requires him to travel a lot, domestically and internationally. Therefore he had to miss class and studies. Some people, instead of being supportive try to break my mom by saying that sports is not going to get Adam anywhere. Mak mana yang tak tersinggung bila orang kata kat anak dia, but she's tougher than ever. We kept our faith, and support him all the way. Alhamdulillah, Adam did well in his SPM.
Apart from receiving tons of offers, Kriket Melayu also offered him a scholarship to study in UKM. The best thing is, he can pick any course he wants offered there. And yes, a degree course. Tak payah go through matrik, stpm or diploma.

Sounds too good to be true, isn't it? The whole family is happy for him. Adam had successfully silent his critics. He proves them wrong. He shut them up. We showed that by having faith and belief, we can achieve anything we want. Adam, I am so proud of you. You always tell me how much you envied me, but in truth it's the other way around. I have a great deal of envy and respect in you too. But you have to remember, this is just the beginning. Lots of things coming your way, so work hard okay? I cant talk to you verbally because you know...kita laki. Susah kita nak cakap bab-bab macam ni face to face. Tak macho aahh. Hehe. Have a great journey ahead and choose the offers wisely.

ok cun.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

True Fan

I couldnt help but sympathize toward our Malaysian badminton team the day before yesterday. They were booed and insulted by our very own Malaysian fan after they lost the game against Japan. Imagine. Our VERY OWN fan. Seriously Im disappointed with us fans, the Malaysian fans. This thing shouldnt be happening, for god sake.

This is one of the reason why sports in our country cannot bloom into an industry that everybody want to get into. When we win, we cheer. We support. And some politicians come to the surface admitting that it was because of them that we win. But when we lost, nobody gives a damn. No support and no politicians even dare to come forward to offer solution or accountability.

Beladi hell. I'm pissed. wth man, win or lose we should support them anyway. Takdak sapa yang turun padang/gelanggang untuk kalah. We should be there by their side. We should let them know no matter what, we are always there for them. Aku tak hairan bila Fairuzizuan tak boleh control emotion and behaviour dia. Dia harap kat kita, untuk bagi dia suntikan semangat. Tapi lain jadinya. For god sake, kalau bukan kita sapa lagi yang nak support depa? Dihina, diejek di tempat sendiri. It's like being disowned by our own parents and family. Macam tu lah rasanya.

We do not insult and boo. Instead we make constructive criticism. As a fan, we have the right to put high expectations and hopes in them. But when they didnt succeed dont punish them. Dont call for their head on that silver platter. Yes, we are disappointed. But we move on and pray for that silver lining in the sky after a storm. That's what being a fan is all about. We be by their side samada kalah, menang, gagal atau berjaya. That's the meaning of a true fan.

Ada unsur-unsur bitter sweet, ada unsur-unsur human dalamnya. Bukan sayang bila menang, benci bila kalah. True fan will find success more meaningful. Sebab dia sentiasa ada dengan team dia sama ada susah atau senang. So when the team triumph, feeling dia lain. Feeling dia lebih deep, lebih rich and lebih...sentimental.

Harap Fulham menang satgi.

Ok cun

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lagu Hari Ini 1

Blast, im soo tired. Currently Im having two students downstair. Aku bagi exercise suruh depa buat and now Im up here blogging. Amboih Azmil, mengelat ja kheja. Have you no shame? Extorting money from people, pastu ponteng. Isnt it unethical?

Okok. Bukan ponteng, but just now my students was asking this bombastic questions about Gross Domestic Product, so aku tak boleh jawab. Sebab tu la aku naik, online dan check Wikipedia and Goggling for answers. What? Have you no shame? Cari jawapan kat internet, and yet menerima duit tuition fees as if you so pro? Well, nope; as long as they dont know. Haha. Shhh! Dont tell them!

Anyway, I've been thinking about this song lately. Wish you were here. By Pink Floyd, not Incubus (although the Incubus's wish you were here pun nice jugak). Been playing this song over and over again. This song is legendary. Got a nice tune, simple lyrics, mellow melody. 30 million views on youtube padahal bukan official video clip diorang pun. That's got to mean something right? Im soooo teaching my students to play this song. Ok. Nak turun bawah.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Okay let's face it. We compete in life. Sapa lagi cantik, sapa lagi pandai, sapa lagi kaya, sapa lagi banyak tembak orang awam yang menaiki kenderaan , sapa lagi hebat dan mcm-mcm lagi. Ciri-ciri competitiveness bagi aku ialah:

1. Super Kiasu- Tak boleh mengaku kalah langsung.
2. Kalau seseorang tu tau something, sedaya upaya dia sorok/tak bagitau. Kedekut ilmu.
3. Terlalu busybody ambik tau pasal prestasi arch enemy dia.
4. Jealous tak bertempat bila orang lain lebih dari dia especially arch enemy dia.
5. Sanggup main kotor, semata-mata nak lebih/menang.

Semua orang competitive dalam dunia ni. Me included. Tapi the degree of competitiveness tu kita yang tentukan. The question lies in "In what field should we get competitive and in what field we shouldn't?". We have to answer that questions and decide. I'm not saying that competitiveness is bad or competitiveness is good. I'm saying neither. Bagi aku dua-dua pun ada kelebihan dan kekurangan dia. Sebab tu aku percaya yang kita perlu mengalokasikan darjah kompetitif kita.

Aku tadak keja tadi, so aku berjaya list down bidang apa yang aku competitive dan bidang apa yang aku tak competitive.


Bola Sepak/Futsal
Bab ni memang aku competitive. Aku memang tak boleh kalau orang lebih daripada aku. Aku sakit ati. Kalau ada budak dok menunjuk-nunjuk depan aku dia punya skill joga bonito dalam game, memang aku aim budak tu untuk beat dia. Selalu Kadang-kadang ada gak la main kotor. Aku tarik baju, tolak, buat high tackle, tarik an* dia dan macam2 lagi. (tapi make sure referee tak nampak la) Bukan bab main sahaja, bab sokong pun aku competitive. Aku cukup benci bila team yang aku sokong kalah. Tu dia. haha. Bola sepak tu macam maruah aku. Orang boleh kutuk apa saja pasal aku, tapi jangan insult aku punya bola sepak.

One of my favourite game is Defense of the Ancients. Aku selalu main Dota melalui pelantar Garena. Melalui software tu, aku boleh main Dota dengan gamer2 lain dari seluruh Malaysia. And of course, bila main game, kutuk mengutuk perkara biasa. Aku salah hang, hang salah aku. Macam-macam. Perkataan yang salu orang pakai dalam Dota is noob. Noob tu macam perkataan newbie la tp teruk sket. Aku cukup marah kalau apek-apek cina dalam dota panggil aku noob. Bagi aku, aku lebih rela kalau depa mencarut kat aku daripada panggil aku noob. Aku tak reti nak explain camna, cuma gamer2 hardcore ja paham. hehe. Tu dia.

Tak competitive.

Aku memang tak suka competition in studies. Bila aku masuk MRSM, aku di diperkenalkan dengan sistem class streaming. Yang pandai dok kelas Alpha. Yang kurang pandai dok kelas Delta. Aku memang benci gila dengan sistem ni. Sebab tu la ramai orang kena tangkap meniru time exam. Pressure to compete tu tinggi sangat. Sampai la skarang, aku tak pernah fikir nak compete. Aku tak pernah rasa terancam kalau someone beat aku. Bagi aku, aku tak perlu nak score highest, cukup la lepas nak dapat A. I dont concentrate on others, instead I just concentrate on myself to do well. I dont care how well others did, as long as I did the best I could. Watpa nak kaypo pasal orang lain? And aku sentiasa share dengan kawan-kawan aku kalau aku tau something. Ada orang tu kiasu sangat, bila dia tau something dia takmau bgtau kawan2 dia, padahal dia tau pun sebab dia pi jumpa lecturer.

Orang panggil sembang kencang, atau sembang tak jatuh, atau sembang kuat, atau sembang deshu-deshu (deshu2 tu bunyi angin) dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Lumrah. Orang lelaki bila dia bersembang, dia suka emphasize dia punya status. "Aku ada girlfriend hot, aku ada motor laju, aku ada banyak duit, aku bila pi lepak gym semua pompuan usha aku". Mcm2 benda yang boleh dicakapkan. Kadang-kadang tu boleh nampak sangt yang depa tengah lawan, bukan sembang. Dalam department ni aku tak competitive sangat. I prefer humbleness. Cewah. Haha. Walk the walk and talk the talk. I prefer others to do the talking for me. I don tell my tales, I let others tell my tales. :D Walaupun crita aku boleh 'menang' and lagi 'kuat' dari cerita mat-mat sembang deras ni, aku akan diam.

Actually banyak lagi, tapi aku rasa macam lagi banyak aku crita lagi terbukak pekung di dada. Ahaha. Malu weh. So enough la. Till then

ok cun

Friday, May 7, 2010


hey blog hows it going? currently im on sabbatical. well it's not going to be a long one i supposed since i'm going to start working and all. it's going to be a long holiday and it seems like everybody is searching for a job. Me included. So seperti cuti sem-sem yang lepas, i'll be teaching. Tuitions for any STPM subjects and also music classes.

Tapi kali ini aku agak relax, sbb aku tak perlu nak buat promotions and marketing thingy, since most my regular customers are returning. Nak wat camna aku pndai ajar. Ok aku tipu. Bukan sebb aku pandai ajar, tapi sbb aku handsome. Ok lagi sekali aku tipu. Pasepa aku suka sangat menipu bila berblog nih haish..haha. Most lessons yang aku ajar aku wat one to one session. Aku memang tak amik group lesson. Sebab bila mengajar one to one, baru bleh mengorat. Eh bukan, sbb bila mengajar one to one baru la effective. haha lousy save.

Ada la kawan2 yang ajak kerja hotel la, kerja restaurant la, kerja menghiburkan hati datin-datin kesepian la, dan lain-lain. Macam best je kerja dengan kawan2 tapi..let's face it. Aku pemalas. Aku bukan yang jenis suka kerja 9 to 5 atau yang kerja shift. Tambah-tambah pulak World Cup is coming. Mana boleh miss satu match pun. Bila aku kerja sendiri, aku boleh postpone, ganti, replace class aku bila-bila masa aku suka. That's the kind of freedom yang aku nak. woot!

Apart from that, cuti ni aku boleh main banyak match. Lagi banyak match aku main, lagi banyak allowance coach aku bagi. Double woot!. Ok enough. Ngantuk. Zzzzzzzz

ok cun

Monday, May 3, 2010

Que Sera Sera

Hey blog! time for another update. Baru balik dari exam Pengajian Malaysia. Hope everything is fine. Beladi tired right now. *sigh* bila la nak abes ni urgh.. Anyway, semalam, ketika aku mengemas bilik.....ok aku tipu. Scratch that. Mula balik. Semalam, ketika aku memunggah almari pakaianku, aku dikejutkan dengan bunyi yang acap kali aku dengar saban hari. wah bahasaku haha. Ada orang buzz aku di mesej segera (IM). Ah minah ni. Tak nampak kah status aku yang bewarna merah berpalang putih yang mengatakan aku sibuk?

Kemudian kedengaran pula, bunyi yang aku selalu dengar jugak tetapi sayup-sayup sedikit kerana bunyi yang tak berapa kuat itu ditenggelami lagu 'que sera sera' yang berkumandang di senaraimain winamp ku. Adeh, dia mesej peribadi (PM) aku di sesawang muka buku pula (FB). Adoiyai lupa plak tutup fb grrrrr.. aku sumpah tanggang di dalam hati. Aku pergi ke depan komputer peribadiku, lalu bertanya apa hajat dihati selain menyunting kumbang di taman seraya beliau memberitahu bahawa markah pembawa untuk subjek perlakuan organisasi sudah keluar. Dengan mata bersinar penuh harapan aku bertanya markah ku. "Ang dpt A-". Aku terdiam sejenak. Kemudian aku mainsemula (replay) lagu que sera sera.

Ok dah tak larat berbahasa gedik santai, kembali ke bahasa academician. where were we? ohh ok. Aku lega mendengar jawapan dari rakanku. Not bad. Dari C+ ke A-. Orang selalu hairan bila my classmates and I said that OB is a killer paper. Bagi mereka OB ini ialah subjek yang senang. When they asked why, we said that we did our mid term badly. In truth, that is only the tip of the iceberg. There's plenty more that we kept to ourselves. Im not going into details of what happened, but I tell you, we faced a lot of challenge to be where we are now. Markah mid term kami semua teruk. Teruk sangat. Tapi selepas melalui proses birokrasi yang sangat membebankan, finally we managed to convince the college to have our papers to be re-graded.

Alhamdulillah selepas disemaksemula ramai yang naik. I would like to thank all my classmates for being so united in handling this issue. I would also like to thank the lecturer for being so kind regrading our papers. I hope he didnt take this personally , as we dont have any personal issues against him. Just professionals one. We just did what we have to do. Lumrah. Action and reaction. Bukan sengaja hendak derhaka atau memandai-mandai. Im not saying that i deserve an A, im just saying that I dont deserve a C+. Also thanks jugak kepada pihak college and pensyarah-pensyarah lain yang memahami dan sentiasa bagi support.

Assuming that aku dapat weak A- (just tau grade, taktau markah), aku kena score at least 87 percentile untuk paper OB khamis ni. Impossible but Im not giving up just yet. It ain't over till its over. I am going to study my ass off sehingga satu page pun tak tinggal. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah dugaan ini. On the other hands, I've been thinking. Aku tak kisah pun jika aku tidak dapat mengekalkan takhtaku. Kalau mantain Alhamdulillah, tapi kalau tak dapat mantain pun Alhamdulillah. Rezeki ada di mana-mana. Kalau ada rezeki, tak dapat four flat pun boleh dapat scholarship degree nanti. Insyaallah. Whatever will be, will be

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

ok cun

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Cinderella Story

I cant help but applauded Fulham for entering the final of the Europa League. They entered Europa League after they finished seventh in the Barclay's Premier League last season. Fulham really had come a long way to be where there are now. It has been 12 years after Mohamed Al-Fayed revolution takeover on Fulham and look where there are.

Fulham is just an average club, compared to the likes of Manchester United and Liverpool. But it's tradition and history is just as rich as their counterparts. They 'climbed up' to the Premier League, from Division 3 -> Division 2 -> Division 1 -> Premier League. To gain promotions to higher division is never easy, but they managed to do it in just 5 years. Playing in the Premier League with the 'big boys' is just as hard. They struggled to survive in the Premier League.

But after almost 8 years playing in the Premier League, things are getting better. With the appointment of Roy Hodgson, Fulham is quickly becoming a respected team not just in England, but also in Europe.

Orang mungkin pandang depa sebelah mata. Europa Cup ja, bukan Champions League pun but still I found it a heck of an achievement. Fulham do not have much spending power like Chelsea or Manchester United. Dan tengok lineup pemain depa. Bobby Zamora, Damien Duff, Dempsey, Zoltan Gera-yang mana mereka ini bukanlah dikategorikan sebagai pemain bertaraf dunia.

Tapi dalam Europa Cup, dalam perjalanan ke final depa beat Juventus (Italian powerhouse), Shaktar Donetsk (juara Europa League tahun lepas), Wolfsburg (juara liga Jerman tahun lepas), AS Roma (juga Italian powerhouse) dan baru-baru di semi-final di mana depa buat comeback ke atas Hamburg. Team yang depa beat semua pernah menang Liga di negara masing-masing. Can you imagine?

All in all, everybody played a part. They have a great coach, great mentality, great fans, great discipline. Everybody contributes towards reaching their first ever european final. It was an emotional moment for me, when I watched them played Juventus. They need to score at least 3 goals to win. They are losing but the fans keep cheering on and the players never gave up. At last they won the game in style. Their adventure in this season's Europa League has been an inspiration for me.

This 'Cinderella Story' spurs me on. Makes me believe in 'magic'. It makes me believe that no matter how helpless or how weak we are, we can achieve anything- as long as we believe in it.