Monday, March 14, 2011

Losing Faith

Taken from Season 6 Episode 20. The scene where House met his therapist Dr. Nolan for their weekly appointment.

Nolan: Something about relationships made you go out and provoke a fight. Wilson and Sam have a relationship. You're not thrilled about it..

House: They're happy. Why should I screw that up. Everyone's happy. Everyone's moving in together. Wilson and Sam, Cuddy and Lucas. Even Alvie's...

Nolan: Cuddy and Lucas are moving in together? You didn't mention that.

House: They talked about moving in together before. It's no big news.

Nolan: Cuddy..(suddenly remembers somethings and went to his laptop) Cuddy.. 'Approach To The Acute Abdoment'. Written by Ernest T. Cuddy, MD. Any relation to your Cuddy?

House: Her great gradfather. I've had it for years. Always meant to give it to her for a special occasion.

Nolan: Like...her house warming?

House: It's just a gift..(annoyed)

Nolan: A woman you care about is taking one step further away from you and closer to someone else? I-I think I can safely say yes, it's significant if you don't mention it. You were willing to punish the husband of your patient because you identified with him. He was also losing someone he loved.

House: I'm not gonna go out and get hammered because a woman I'm not even with, is moving with someone. That'd be pathetic. To hell with this.... When I first came to you I told you that I wanted to be happy. And I followed your advise. And instead, I'm just miserable. How is this working for me?

Nolan: It takes time.

House: For a year, I've done everything you asked, and everybody else is happy. I run on my treadmill. You just sit there and watch. You're a faith healer. You take advantage of people who want to believe. But there's nothing in your bag of tricks.

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