Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Saya budak baik

I don't like to deprecate people, but i'll give you one when it's due. And when that happens, it'll get ugly. Because I will shove your ego right into your candy asses.. So right now I have a bone to pick with you. Please ffs, don't act like you know everything. Just because you read some books, or some articles in the net you think that you know it all. Clearly you dont read enough. Or experience enough. You see, I can tolerate Mr. Know-It-All attitude, but I cant tolerate your I'm-always-right attitude.

Ffs, Bayern Munich had already won the Champions League four times. More than your bloody Barcelona whom to date, only had won three times. Dont get me wrong, I love the current Barca team but have some respect to other teams as well. Bayern in their good ol days can surely make the current Barca team eat dust. For being such an arrogant kiasu and dissing other people's team, you clearly need a history lesson. And yeah Maxwell is a Brazilian, how the eff you said that he's Argentinian? Kata minat Barca. Stupid Poser.

And I hate it when you're trying to prove a point in an argument. Nasi ayam misai tak sedap sebab nasi ayam dia tak sedap. Arsenal bodoh sebab Arsenal bodoh. Lead guitarist is always better than the rhythm guitarist. Wtf, do u know that playing lead does not necessary mean that he's a better guitarist? Sometime the dividing duties of who's playing lead or rhythm is not necessarily for reasons of musical talent, but because the rhythm guitarist is the principle songwriter. As in the case of Tom Petty and Metallica. We are all grown up, if you cant provide facts or reasoning you're only making yourself look stupid. Stupid.

We can talk about almost everything, we're up for any discussion and debate. You can correct me if Im wrong and I can correct you if you're wrong. But oh i forgot. You're always right. But it's funny the other day when you tried to pronounce the word 'beetle' but instead u pronounce the word 'battle'. Apa battle2? Nak lawan digimon ka? Pfftt. And ouh get your fact straight. Kaspersky is pronounced 'kaspers-ki' not 'kasper-sky'. Ni la masalah orang yang banyak sangat baca buku. Dia ingat langit sky in english. You should watch some tv brother.

Ambik ang Jackie Chan ought to teach you some lesson. Eugene Kaspersky is a russian's name. Not an english name. Pfftt. Okay sekarang ni macam aku pulak Mr-Know-It-All. But, I listened to others and I realized that sometimes I could be wrong. That's what makes us different. It's not about who's right or wrong. Or who's clever and who's not. Its about humility, humbleness and friendship. Yea sure losing a few friends on facebook is okay to you, but try losing friends in rl. It just a a matter of time before you'd be watching football at home....alone. Ok cun.

P.s: speaking of russia, I realized this blog has quite a steady visitor from russia. Welcome, silent reader!...or spam bot!...or some phedo stalking for cute boi like me..

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