Actually, this is just a simple announcement. But since I'm in a buoyant mood to blog, I'd like to announce it in a story mode. But let's backed up a little. Remember this? The post writing about a friend who went rogue, the one that pulled the 'trigger'? Okay now we may begin. One day on January 12th, Ijoi added me on fb. But faruk quickly pointed out to me that he's hardly on, that I need to add his wifey to get updates from that son of a gun.

Faruk was right. Ijoy rarely updates, because he's too busy playing his games. Such an addict, if you see his wall you can only see game request rather than comments or status updates. To the extend:

Tedia. Sampai bini marah. haha. I rofl when I read this. Tapi Ijoy memang suka main game-game camni. Dulu time kat hostel and kat Putat, he'd spent hours main game bodo-bodo kat Metacafe. Paling aku ingat sekali game 'Raja Dadah', where you need to make profit selling drugs based on economics demand and supply. Anyway, what Im trying to say is I hardly heard from the brat. Until la last week when:

Tedia. Sampai bini marah. haha. I rofl when I read this. Tapi Ijoy memang suka main game-game camni. Dulu time kat hostel and kat Putat, he'd spent hours main game bodo-bodo kat Metacafe. Paling aku ingat sekali game 'Raja Dadah', where you need to make profit selling drugs based on economics demand and supply. Anyway, what Im trying to say is I hardly heard from the brat. Until la last week when:

I didnt give it much thought when faruk mentioned the 'anak' thingy since as far as I could remember, Ijoy told me that he's planning. And during his visit in Penang pun, he didnt say much about Ijoi. Until la today when I read the wifey's status:

You stud, you becoming a father! Dah rezeki. Plan2 pun dapat. This may comes a bit late, but congratulations ijoy.Hopefully delivery goes well. Pasni takleh main game lama2 dah. haha. And sorry for being such an ignorant. Ang bukannya nak update fb, kheja main game ja. hahaha. clearly I need to add the wifey.
P.s:- wife added
P.s.s:- any thoughts on the name? How about Putra Azmil zukilefeli? (bukan zulkifli ya)
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