Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time after time

This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know upfront this is not a love story. lol. Intro nak tiru cita 500 Days of Summer. Gedik tui. Haha. This post is sappy and lame but I swear this is the first and the last time I’ll ever blog about this. So bear with me, k blog. Today is the first of July. It’s been a solid 2 years since she left. We were together for like 5 years and all of a sudden it ended just like that. On this very same date.


Aku memang tak boleh terima when I first got the news. I cannot accept that my so called ‘love of my life’ is leaving. I was so caught up with the idea of the high school sweet heart thingy. You know, macam Wayne Rooney and Coleen McLoughlin. They were the high school sweet heart, waaayyy before Rooney plays football professionally. Through thick and thin, they stick together until one day Rooney made his break playing for Everton, and later for Manyoo. They were together masa susah, and they are still together to harvest the fruits of their success. During those days, I’ve been dreaming of having a girl that would stay through and through from the ‘nobody’ period to that ‘somebody’ period. I keep convincing myself that there must be a mistake and she was not in the right mind to make such decision. For a while, I became delusional.


Aku tatau apa jadik, tapi macam semua benda aku nak marah/benci. Padahal kalau fikir2 balik, benda bukan teruk pun. Cepat gila aku melenting. Especially benda2 yang associates with her. All of a sudden I hate Grey’s Anatomy (because she love ‘em to death), Egypt football team (because she’s studying in Egypt) and lasagna (cause she used to make ‘em). Tabley blah. Bila fikir-fikir balik, macam kanyiaq mana baru ambik lesen L (cerita lain). It affected me in general too. It changed the way I viewed women. All I can see when I see a girl is the word ‘liar’, ‘menggelabah’, ‘gedik’ and some other vulgar words listed in Kamus Mencarut Azmil.


During our last year in the relationship, she’s in Egypt studying there. Yeah, you don’t have to go all “told ya so” at me, I know. LDR is freaking hard to keep, I admit. Dengan time differentnya, dengan communication problemnya, macam2. Ok, kembali kepada topic. I don’t really knew what went wrong, and what is the problem. All I got is a phone call and a long written e-mail with all ‘this isn’t working for us’ bullcrap. I don’t really know much what’s the reason. So I thought if I could improve my life in certain aspects, I would be able to get her back. So I worked my ass off, to prove that I’m not over. That despite all failures I’ve been through, aku tak basi lagi. I still have something else to offer. If my footballing career is doomed, I still have other options. I aced in my examinations. My first semester triumph was solely dedicated to her. Punya mangkaq. Bukan study sebab Tuhan, family, or diri sendiri. Tapi sebab perempuan.


This was a hard time. Like I said, I don’t really know what the main reason was so it was kind of hard for me to find closure. But I could never forget the support I received from families and friends who stood by me through all the difficult moment. I think it was all about managing my depression. Only time heals a broken heart, so while waiting I need to find a way to manage and minimize the depressions. I started by sorting out my life, prioritizing my goals. Little by little. I enjoy my single life. I meet new people. I started teaching tuitions and instruments. I even ran in the mpp elections. I study hard; not to win her back, instead I do it for Allah Almighty, families and friends. I believe that Allah has better plans for me.


It took quite a long time to get over her. Maybe because we were too long together, so I have to familiarized myself living without her. And I was left hanging, so it was kind of difficult to find closure (brapa kali ulang da). Someone told me that moving on is when we are able to look back at old memories without feeling sad. I used to think that it was absurd, but she’s right after all. So instead of holding grudges and being uptight about it, I’d rather be grateful and thankful that she made me the man I am today. And instead of wallowing over what would have happened, it’ll be better to get excited over what would happen. All I can say is this: It hasn’t been the greatest two years of my life, neither the worst. But I’m happy with what I have and I’m looking forward to what life might throw at me in the future. WOot! Once again, tyvm.

Ok cun

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lagu Hari Ini 5

Alguien Soy Yo- Enrique Iglesias

Tú no sabes quien soy yo,
No sé quien eres tú,
Y en realidad, quien sabe que somos los dos
Y yo como un secuestrador te persigo por amor,
y aunque tú no sepas mi dirección,mi apellido y mi voz,y la clave de mi corazón...

Alguien te quiere,alguien te espera,alguien te sueña y tú sabes que soy yo,
Alguien te piensa constantemente,alguien te busca y por fin te encontró,
Alguien te amó y alguien soy yo!

Yo no pido nada más,que estar feliz y tu lo estas y sentirte bien,
Aunque no sepas quien,quien te quiere sin más por encima del bien y del mal.

Alguien te quiere,alguien te espera,alguien te sueña y tú sabes que soy yo,
Alguien te piensa constantemente,alguien te busca y por fin te encontró,
Y alguien soy yo!

En el fondo de mi vida no me queda otra salida ...que no seas tú!
Tú no sabes quien soy yo,
No sé quien eres tú... Ya somos dos!

Alguien te quiere,alguien te espera,alguien te sueña y tú sabes que soy yo,
Alguien te piensa constantemente,alguien te busca y por fin te encontró,
Alguien te amó,Y alguien soy yo!
Alguien te amó,Y alguien soy yo!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Comfort Zone

Contoh Situasi A

Anda ada duit dalam bank. Tak banyak, tak sikit. Tapi cukup untuk anda membeli belah barang-barang kegemaran anda yang anda sudah lama aim. Nak dijadikan cerita the mall is having a sales, dimana inilah peluang keemasan anda untuk membeli barang-barangan tersebut pada harga yang lebih murah. Tetapi last2 anda tak beli pun barang tersebut. Bukan sebab duit tak cukup and bukan sebab anda nak berjimat pun. Tapi anda takut anda menyesal membeli barangan tersebut. Apabila duit masih di tangan anda, anda lebih rasa powerful. Maybe perasaan ‘mampu’ beli tu wujud. Jika anda spend awal2 duit tersebut untuk membeli barang A, anda akan rasa hapless apabila anda melihat barang B. Baik jangan spend, fikir anda.

Contoh Situasi B

Ali berkawan lama dah dengan Milah. They were the best of friends until one day Ali realized that he has feelings for her. Milah feels the same way too, and Ali knows that. Tapi Ali never make an effort to woo her, apatah lagi nak try to move on to the next stage of the relationship. Bukan sebab Ali bacul, takda teloq or tak berani. Tapi sebab Ali rasa what they already have is wonderful; by being bestfriend. Ali takut that he might found out something about Milah that will ruin the relationship. Ali jugak takut that she might found out something about him that she don’t like. Baik tak payah become an item, fikir Ali.

Contoh Situasi C

Aku baru ja bukak sebuah engineering firm. Sebagai sebuah small-medium enterprise in the country, money is very hard to come by. Aku sepatutnya awal2 lagi dah cari customer. Making calls and setting up appointments. Tapi aku dok bazir masa fikir macam mana nak susun pejabat aku, fikir pen apa yang aku nak guna untuk sign documents, and fikir colour apa yang sesuai untuk signboard pejabat aku. Padahal benda-benda ni kalau nak buat sat ja. The longer I put off starting my own firm, the longer it can remain a dream and not something that I screwed up at. Baik aku take my own sweet time enjoying the moment, fikir aku.

I am that kind of a guy who’s afraid to step out of my comfort zone. Well, not all the time la of course. But most of the time, I’d rather play it safe in order for things to fit my views of the world. I am so afraid of mistakes, rejections, regrets, and things resulted from any ‘step-out-of-my-comfort-zone actions.’ It’s been a while since I made this kind of decisions; the last being my decision to run for student representative councils election a year ago. I wonder when the next one is going to be?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The week that I go gaga

Just came back. Been missing loads of wc games and sleep. I didn’t get to spend much time with Adam too, as I was busy. We’d only managed couple rounds of teh tarik when I got back a few days ago when I went home to restock my baju. He’s back in kl and it’s going to be a while till we meet up again. Orientation week went well. It has been a helluva week. Crazy week. Beladi tiring, but it was worth every sweat and effort.

I’ve got to work along with a bunch of luffly lads and gals. I also got to know more about people whom I couldn’t imagine I would get along with. People like Imad, Qamar, Bob and many more colourful people. If I were to set up a commitee, I would choose them over and over again. In a heartbeat. With them things get easier. Sure, we had clashed of opinions and we had disagreements. We think differently, but we headed in the same directions. Signifying how pure and honest our intention is; bringing the best out of the orientation week.

We also suffered in the financial department. Many thanx to Mr Faizal, Miss Nazleen, Miss Habsah and other lecturers for chipping in their hard earn money to us. Credits to Najwa, Syu, Ernie and the rest for not minding offering their cash in advance when they weren’t even sure whether they get to claim the cash later. lol (which later that week mr wan gave us the good news that we get to claim ‘em). Not to forget the supporting staff (wardens, guards and logistic) for sponsoring delicious meals and free flow of drinks to us. I am truly blessed to have awesome people around, rain or shine, susah or senang.

During the first three days I was an intense one. I didn’t get to enjoy as much as I would like because there were so many things in my mind. Dari sekecik-kecik benda sampaila ke sebesaq-besaq benda. I guess that’s basically were my role, stated in my job description: worrying about things. There were never a second gone by without me thinking and worrying about things. That pretty much explained why I became so giddy, capricious during the performance night. That was the night that I ‘go gaga’. Lol. I let myself go, because there are no more things to worry about.

World Cup sekarang ni dah masuk knock out stage. Cant wait to see the outcome of the matches. Banyak kejutan tournament kali ni. Italy dan Perancis dah out. South Korea and Japan eased through the knock out stage which makes us Asian proud. Tapi tak nampak lagi player yang strike out from the rest. Usually by now, kita dah nampak dah players yang carry the team almost single handedly with their dazzling skills, never-say-die attitude, inspiring leadership and iron man strength. Maybe later.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tak goyang pun

They always said “if you cant beat them, join them”. Be it in sports, in business, in smacktalking, in competitions and many more. It’s actually a good thing to do. You can achieve greater heights, more than you could ever imagine with your new ‘team’. That’s why every football player wants to play for Barcelona. That’s why Gerakan joined Barisan Nasional. And that’s why Cadbury was acquired by Kraft. Banyak contoh kita boleh tengok. I mean, why fight a losing battle?

However, this doesn’t mean that you can sell your soul by letting go of what you’ve believed in; your values, your philosophy and your dreams when you’re changing teams. I have seen many splendid people turning into douchebags when they change teams. I think it’s pathetic. Only join your unbeatable rivals when you don’t have to give up anything that you’ve believed in. That’s why I'd rather stay a one man army rather than giving up things that I’m made of.

A losing battle doesn’t mean you’ll end up losing the war. With perseverance and hardwork, you’ll turn the tide eventually. If you’re patients enough you’ll emerge victorious or at least make an impact. Been there. Done that. Time and time again, against all odds, I triumphed. I took my rival’s insults and critics with a little pinch of salt. And before I knew it, I had those very same people joining me. Lol. Pride comes before fall.

Recently I learnt that I’ve been a subject of interest to a certain someone. She’s been up my ass ever since she didn’t get to join the committee. The bish been finding faults in me, talking things behind my back. rofllmao that cracks me up. I don’t even consider her worthy to be my adversaries. In fact aku tak kenal pun dia, but she’s been going around as if she knew me for years. Again, lol. Aku tak dak kena mengena pun dengan recruitment. Dah tak dapat tu terima ja la. Deal with it. Orang lain suma ikhlas, hang sorang ja niat nak mencapub, nak glamour, nak expose diri. Sebab tu la tak dpat kot. Kot la.

Tapi in the end, after a hard work of sucking up, bodek and god knows what, she got in. Agak pelik la. You’re willing to sell your souls by joining us, sedangkan sebelum ni hang mati-mati belittle and badmouthing us the committee. Hypocritical bish. Clearly you need us more than we need you sampai sanggup dropped your macam-bagus comments and remarks about us. Looking forward to work together with her. Tbh, I don’t have anything against her. Like I said, I don’t see her worthy to be my adversary. Her opinion means jack to me. In fact she gave all the more reason for me to like her. Cause she’s funny, like that. lol

Ok cun

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dramatical Error

The family is away on vacation. I gotta stay since I’m having classes and I’ve got to attend this orientation committee meeting this Friday. So I’ve got the house all to myself for couple of days. Being alone by myself presented me the opportunity to you know, spend some quality time experimenting with my cooking. Ok aku tipu. Mengapit dua buku bijik keping roti di antara daging salami, tuna dan sayuran tak dikira sebagai memasak. Eh chup, kirala..susah kot nak buat sandwich. It’s one of the wonders of cooking art as we have to figure out the bun to meat to salad ratio, in order to make the puurfeectt sandwich.

Anyway, since nobody’s home to wake me up in the morning and with the world cup fever going on, I woke up a wee bit late for my class. Dengan ting tongnya, I hustled to the shoe cabinet to grab my shoes and go, not realizing that something is a little bit off. The shoes are scattered all over the floor. But the sleep deprivation makes me so lazy to think through and also, being a Sherlock Holmes wannabe was sooo 2009 (yeh Im updated like that), so I put my hand in only to be scratched slashed by this ferocious, pugnacious creatures. In agonizing pain, I…tett, enough with the dramatic story telling already, azmil.

Ok I found this cat just giving birth to four kittens in the shoe cabinet. It’s not even my cat, I dunno whose to begin with. The mom’s were very vigilant and scary. I’ve to wait like until maghrib until the mom went away looking for food to have a good look at them. I’m not really a cat person, heck I don’t think I’ll ever get along well with animals or pets. But who doesn’t love babies? All babies are awesome be it humans or animals. They’re cute and adorable and help you impress and mengorat chicks. Theehee. I even named one of them Salman. The one yang sulung tu (I just assume it’s the sulung) as if la I can I tell which is which. Puurrr!

Ok cun

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lagu Hari Ini 4

First Cut Is The Deepest- Rod Stewart

I would have given you all of my heart
But there's someone who's torn it apart
And she's taken just all that I had
But if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
But when it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's the worst
I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
And I'm sure going to give you a try
And if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
But when it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's the worst

I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
But I'm sure gonna give you a try
'cause if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
When it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's the worst

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Selamat pengantin baru to my cousin Ridwan. It was a joyful weekend for the family and relatives. Alhamdulillah everything went well. And this is actually the first time I participated in marriage reception as a responsible adult. I mean, before this the only part of a reception I’ve been involved in was makan, makan and makan. So this time it’s a wee bit different as I was involved in numerous occasions in the wedding. Ridhwan married a Penangite so the receptions were made only a day apart. Hari Sabtu dekat Balik Pulau and hari Ahad dekat Sunshine Banquet Hall.

Mama was the one responsible in making the hantaran, so we the siblings helped her out decorating and stuff. On Saturday, everybody gathered at our house nak shoot off to balik pulau together. After the aqad, the bride’s family brought us to a rented-by-day house so that we could rest while waiting for the bride and the groom to get changed. It was by the river at Kuala Sungai Pinang. The view was breathtaking and awesome. I will definitely go lepak there whenever I’m free during college hours.

And oh, Trueblood season 3 was premiered today and currently I’m downloading the first episode. 250mb more to go, cant wait. Thehee. Been watching all WC matches as well. Some with the family and some with friends. Im getting sick with the girlfriends that my friends brought along with them. What a bunch of noob. World Cup tak ada Manchester United ok? And don’t simply support England because you know Steven Gerrard, John Terry (because of his sex scandal) and Ashley Cole (only because he was Cheryl’s ex-hubbeh). Just because you know them doesn’t mean you can support membabi buta. If you were to support a team do it out of passion, not fame.

Such a mood spoiler. A bunch of noobtard. Im definitely imposing the strictly-no-girlfriend’s ban in our next get together. What a bimbo. Ok Azmil enough. Release your angry chakras. Woo saahh. Woo saaaahhhhh. Speaking of chakras, teringat pasal Full Metal Alchemist. Haha macam mana boleh teringat pasal FMA tah. Chakras-Naruto-Manga-Full Metal Alchemist. Get it? People always ask me how my mind could stretch and escalate from topics to topics, which pissed me off at times. Okay, back to fma. Sadly fma had come to an end. Last Friday was their final volume and another great manga has come to an end. L

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Currently been a wee bit busy planning and working out on the ldk module for this coming orientation week. I got various plans worked up that pwns and rwks like me obviously lol. Nak kenakan them freshies kaw2. Whadya think blog? Should I make all of them hate me? Or just came up with modules that make the dudes hate me and the girls to love me? Speak of the devil, did I mentioned that menurut ‘Formula Umur Awek’ (my age / 2 + 7), most freshies yang akan enroll will be the perfect age for me to be with? Yeah, so, yeah. Finally, for the first time I can use the approved younger chick formula (sebab sebelum ni, if I were to apply the formula they’d still be underage :( ).

Woah, woah let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Chup sat. Dammit baru aku ingat that most of the world cup matches kick off at 8 pm Malaysian time. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Beladi bugger! Urgh. I already made a vow to not miss a single game during the world cup! Oh crap. I already got a stern and strict telling off by mama yesterday that she wont tolerate me plotting an escape from this orientation week any way or another. Sob. I can never win an argument with her. She’s damn good. She already predicted what gonna be in her son’s mind better than the son himself. Urgh.

Macam mana ni, macam mana ni? Banyak jugak game best that I’d be missing. Ah Azmil. Kalau nak ikut hang semua game pun best. Grr.. Oh I know! I think this problem would be best handled by future Azmil. He’s more mature, wiser and cooler like that. So just let the future Azmil deal with it. I gotta find a way to become more wiser in a week. In the mean time mari habiskan modul2 ldk ni. Haiz. Those girls kids better be worth my time. After all, I’m doing the noblest thing in this whole wide world, doing the human race a favour. lol

Speaking of the human race, Im going to share something with you blog. I thought that I’d keep it to myself but for the sake of the human race, I kenot tahan dy. LBS sux big time. It didn’t live up to my expectations. In fact it was no where by the book’s standard. There. Now you know I read it, say whatever you want. But let me stress it here, baca LBS macho okay! There’s nothing wrong if a muscular, macho and straight guy enjoys a little erotica chick-flick novel. Man, luckily those guys didn’t read my blog. Otherwise they’d be ripping me off like last time when aku kantoi baca Meg Cabot’s novel. Okay, that tale should stay buried, how the hell I brought that up. Laters alligators

Ok cun

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wax On, Wax Off

I grew up watching lots of movies. Well, not the one that they showed in the cinemas, but the one they have on video tapes, and video disc. Abah was a movie freak and he bought tons of it. Back in the 90’s we were young and cute so most movies that abah bought/rented is not really appropriate for us kids to watch. I remembered this one particular movie(s), the Die Hard trilogies (trilogies since Die Hard 4 only came out in 2007, 12 years after DH3) starred by Bruce Willis. I was in awe with Detective John McClane. You don’t mess with McClane. He would go on ‘rambo’ing towards the bad guys and kill’em all.

And of course, who would forget John McClane’s line every time when he’s about to pwn the bad guys. “Yipi-ki-yay motherf**ker”. Again, being young and naïve and cute and didn’t understood what it means, I went around the neighbourhood cursing every kids. Haha teruk jugakla kena rotan when mama found out about it. Abah was in trouble too. He got pwned by mama, bad. lol So in order to avoid serious lectures from mama, everytime abah bought or rented movies, he would make sure that he got us some videos that us kids can watch.

During that time we were still using the VCR, ala the video cassette thingy. From the top of my head, I remember Baby’s Day Out, Jumanji, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Karate Kid Trilogies, Casper the friendly ghost, Joe’s Apartment and Toy Story. The other day they showed Baby’s Day Out on HBO. I almost forgot about it but luckily I got to re-live my childhood experience once more. The show was plain stupid and I found it insulting my intelligence but I watched it until the end anyway. I realized the movie might be stupid and unrealistic for my age, but not back then when I was 7 years old. Who cares how sucks it was. The point is, it holds a sentimental value to our family.

That’s a memento where we sit together as family and have a great time together. BDO might not be funny as I thought then, but through all parts of the movies I kept smiling reminiscing how great my childhood were. This week, Karate Kid will be on and Toy Story 3 the following week. Indeed it was only a sequel. The plot and the CGI is much sophisticated now. But if it weren’t for their previous series, I don’t think I would watch it. Mana boleh lupa Mr. Miyagi “wax on, wax off” karate’s teaching. Masa aku kecik dulu I believed in it and I thought if I practiced wax on wax off, I can kick Hanif’s ass. Hanif was a school bully, but what the heck that’s another story.

Punya semangat tolong abah polish kereta and diam2 polish kereta neighbour punya nak jadi karate kid. After a while that I thought that I’ve became stronger dengan muka poyo I seek Hanif. I kicked Hanif’s ass…..NOT. I thought I could show Hanif my martial arts skills but the only thing I could show him was my middle finger. Lol. He beat the crap out of me. Oh screw you Mr Miyagi!! You lied! Ok bye ada kelas. KK and TS3, see you.

Ok cun

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The job that blows

I am a lazy arse. If I were to find a job, the job shouldn’t take much of my time and energy but offers a compatible salary. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a lot, but just enough to compensate the effort that I put into. I mean, kalau gaji 5k pun tapi effort kerja tu macam 8k punya kerja buat apa. Nak kena balik lambat, nak kena sacrifice banyak benda nak buat apa. And I prefer jobs that offer much autonomy so I can plan my time and work freely. I don’t like to be push, and I don’t like too much regulations, timetables, datelines etc. I think I’m at my best that way.

One big example was my secondary education life. When I was in pfs, I do whatever I want, whenever I want. Bila aku rasa nak fool around, aku fool around and bila aku rasa nak study, aku study. Bila aku masuk mrsm, I have to put up with the ridiculous timetable; nak kena pergi prep lah, nak kena riadah lah, pastu nak kena light’s off lah. Benda-benda ni suma wajib ikut. Aku bukan jenis yang suka stick to routine. Kadang2 tu waktu prep aku rasa nak tidur, waktu riadah aku rasa nak lepak and waktu tidur aku nak study. Kalau tak ikut mula la kena aim warden. Bila dah salu kena rotan marah and salu melawan, camna nak berkat? Hehe

There’s nothing wrong being a mercenary too. Simply work for whoever that offers you the most incentives, money and satisfactions. Jangan sembang pasal loyalty. Jangan sembang pasal betrayal. The loyalty we have is the loyalty to the profession, not the loyalty to the company/organization. This year for the National Criket League, Adam is playing for Kedah. Adam tak main untuk Penang. Kedah is beladi rich. They offered Adam macam-macam. And the allowance they are giving to Adam is much more than what Penang used to pay Adam. The team stayed in a cozy condominium, dengan gym, nutritional food and they really prepared well. Sebulan sebelum tournament diorang dah pergi dah kl untuk centralized training. Memang boleh nampak effort nak menang. Lagi satu benda yang buat Adam masuk hati dengan Kedah is their manners. The coach mai jauh2 dari Kedah, jumpa mama and abah mintak permission for Adam to play for them.

Adam’s loyalty is towards cricket. His loyalty is not towards Penang or Kedah. When you’re loyal to your profession, while you’re at it why not choose side that treats you well and benefits you? Samala dengan the brain drain that our country is suffering. Antar student kita mahal-mahal ambik medical degree and in the end they didn’t come back for their housemanship. Instead they stay over there because apparently the country didn’t pay good enough. Selalu jadik. Berapa ribu orang Malaysian yang kerja kat Singapore? Berapa ribu orang yang crossed that border in Tebrau mencari rezeki which to our dismay does not contribute to our country’s growth?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hello blog. Im back in Penang now. Am frigin tired but the trip was a delight. This is one of the best road trip I’ve been into. A road trip is supposed to be fun and spontaneous. We never really plan our trip. We stopped where we wanted to stop, we rested whenever we wanted to, we fooled around and we decided to things spontaneously. The supposed 6 hours jouney became a 10 hours journey. Along with your favorite people in the car with good music and lotsa time and money in your hand, I couldn’t ask for more!

It’s been a whole year since my last visit and I was amused with how Melaka had changed in just a year. Ali Rustam did a good job, kudos. We made it to Ijoi’s akad nikah on Friday evening. And on Friday night, we had futsal with almost everybody whom touched my heart and soul during my short-but-wonderful stint in Malacca. Faruk, Kuga, Pakwan, Mirul, Zul J, Zul M, Nasir, Waru, Apek, Faique, Ejai, Faizal and Hamzi played well. It is as though I am hundred of miles lagging behind them.

We also get to spend precious time catching up, ripping each other, kutuk-mengutuk, usik-mengusik etc. Not too long ago I posted about how I felt inferiors of lagging behind my friends. Well, when it came to these guys, I would never be. These are the guys who had been with me through thick and thin. These colourful people had been with me from the beginning. I have their back in difficult times and they never judged me. No matter how much I’m lagging behind their support makes me feels as if we’re standing on the same grounds. Too bad a few people Im expecting to see couldn’t make it. Nevermind. Maybe next time.

The after-wedding: lepaking with the bridegroom. Gambar cilok.
The next day, we attended Ijoi’s reception. I get to meet more friends, Apam, Fatah and Syazwan to name a few. It went well with the exception of some schmuck ruining the wedding with their off pitch, out of tune karaoke singing. During this trip, I realized that whenever we lepak, we tend to discuss and merapiks about marriage, our career, our first car etc. That sanavabish Ijoi really pulled the trigger on us. He really makes us want to sort out our future as soon as possible. And as for me, I did something that I’ve never done for the past two years. Thinking about the long term plan. All this while, I’ve been only focusing on my short terms plan. Hell, I only been thinking about what to do in my life in no less than five days in advance.

Indeed, it is kinda early for Ijoi to be married. He skipped the bachelor life:- the life where you go mad collecting gadgets and gears, staying in a one room studio, drive a two seater sports car, travel to Europe to watch your favorite team plays football live etc. Instead, he skipped past one stage to the married life:- the life where you become fat, staying in a semi-d (or a bungalow), drive a family mpv, and enduring whining and complaining for the rest of your life. But still, that sanavabish pulled the trigger well. Makes us curious, what is it like to be living a married life. Semoga ke anak cucu.
Juga gambar cilok.

Ok cun